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lesulk · 31-35, M

Raymuundo · 46-50, M
Nothing wrong with being single but the feeling of love is beautiful. Worth the risk.
Eternity · 26-30, M
Being single is the best. Enjoy it.

I felt like i was tired of it then got into a relationship that lasted 2 years.

I had to end it because it turned out the grass was not greener on the other side. It sucked because I loved her but I just couldn't live the committed lifestyle.

It made me appreciate being single though. It is very underrated
REMsleep · 41-45, F
@Eternity Wow you loved her but left because you like being single more. I guess I respect your honesty but damn thats cold.
Eternity · 26-30, M
@REMsleep it was either that or cheat on her. I did the less bad thing.
REMsleep · 41-45, F
There is most definitely not more pressure to be in a relationship today than in the past. You kidding me? Imagine being an unmarried 20 something in 1950? Lol

So be grateful for living today where according to stats more adults are single than ever before.
Now on to your situation specifically.....
Perhaps your friend group or family is pressuring you, of course that still happens. If so just tell them that you are happy as you are and all of their pressure is stressing you out. Or if you like blind dates tell them to stop telling you about it and send the options your way.

If you are pressuring yourself then that is a whole other problem that you need to resolve internally.
Noone can tell you if its better for you to be part of a couple and it certainly depends on who you select as well.
Either way stressing is bad so stop it. Decide what you truly want and try to make it happen or be satisfied with your situation but if you want to build a family in the future or get married, you do have to start somewhere. Being in a relationship can be the best or worst thing in the world so choose wisely.
And stop worrying.
Only you can discover the answer to this question. Being single has its bonuses. Freedom. Flexibility. Solitude for peace, comfort. The ability to learn things at will. Come and go as you please. No one to answer to. That is a lot of bonuses. Being with someone has its bonuses. Company. Sex, hopefully, and intimacy more often with a monogamous partner {if that is what you wish}. Reliability. Someone to go to places with. Explore being single. Forget society. The same society judges women to have no worth unless your age. Keep us updated. Could be interesting....
Funlov · M
Being single is nice never have to answer to someone which you should never anyways have all the quiet time do you like go out and date whoever you want
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
Being single was great imo. I really enjoy my solitude. As long as I have good friends to chill with on occasion, I am quite happy alone.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Personally, I feel no pressure whatsoever. And never have felt.
DoubleRings · 51-55, F
Well some people get married bc of this pressure and then regret it so be single as long as you can. Dating is no problem. Just don’t get married out of loneliness or desperation.
exchrist · 31-35
Seems that's what u are doing don't push away opportunities though that's been my problem

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