enjoyingitnow · 61-69, M
Time to move on take it as a learning experience that in life such things will happen if you are lucky. I say this in a way of recognizing that you wouldn’t feel this way if you were with out heart and soul. This should make you understand that to feel pain remorse glee happiness and love you need to be alive to feel all life has to offer. So you learn something for what a little time a little money look at these cost as a positive thing and you will be all good ready for the next chapter life has in front of you be safe
s1nx4my · 18-21
@enjoyingitnow thank you i appreciate it so much :) <3
val70 · 51-55
Look, before you read any of the reactions (even mine) keep in mind that you have a good soul. I don't know what happened, but I fell in love once online too. That's now almost 25 years ago. I'll never forget the woman nor will the pain ever disappear. The most that I have done is to go somewhere on a retreat to try to meditate and set my mind a bit at rest. That's happened to me five years ago. It's what I suggest now