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what am i doing wrong? why does no one like me?

I know this sounds like a strange question but i just want to know. Everyone says you can say anything on here so i am going to speak my mind. I dont seem to be able to date anyone. Every time i like someone they never like me back. I know im not really the type of guy that girls like. Im kind of a nerd, and the only sports i play are soccer and track. With the first girl i liked, we kind of just became awkward friends for a while and she never gained any interest in me. Now were friendsish. With a girl i liked very recently, she kind of just stopped talking to me. We were good friends, and then when i started to like her i started to talk to her more and then she just stopped talking to me. I never said anything weird, but she hasnt texted me for a while and at school she doesnt talk to me either. What am i doing wrong? I asked one of my friends and he said that he said he just kind of started talking with the girl he liked and they kind of just ended up together. Obviously that didnt work for me. I know at this point your probably thinking that im a weird loser and your probably right but i just dont have any experience in this field. If you want to know how to move ions around in a quantum computer using different electrical voltages or how magnetars are formed, and how the magnetic field affects the space around them than im your man, but i just dont know anything about relationships. Anyways, if you made it to the end then thank you. Thank you for reading this and i hope you all have a fantastic day!
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greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
Give it time. You are way too young to worry about why you haven't connected with a girl.


If you want to become a girl magnet, it's really pretty easy. Just start a garage rock band, grow some hair out, get moody and serious, compose songs. That'll do it. Or become a soulful poet and write poems about the eyes of the girl who interests you. Hand her the poem and walk away.

Or just be patient. Give it time and gradually develop your own style. Maybe join some tech group and find a tech girl...?
Legolessed · 18-21, F
@greenmountaingal: how am i being immature? i cant control my feelings.
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
@Legolessed: I didn't mean you. I meant them! They were immature to walk away in a situation like that. There was nothing wrong in liking them or telling them so. But when you do that, you take a risk that they might not like it, or might feel pressure be romantic and back off. You aren't doing anything wrong but if you want to be more than friends with a girl and take it to a new level...well, it's a risk. One day that risk will pay off.
Legolessed · 18-21, F
@greenmountaingal: oh, im sorry i thought you meant me. Thanks for the advice. i really appreciate it.
I dated my first bf at 18(I'm not exactly proud of it, considering the fact he's a bitch). So you don't have to be worried about it. Your time has not come yet.

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