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Searchingforafriend · 26-30, F
Totally, thank you for the advice.
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don't stitch someone up, people make their own decisions. Just don't man, maybe tell your friend you're worried but to have somone probably go to jail, could you live with that?.
what does he sell? considering its 15 yo's thats a bit shit of them. If its anything other than weed i'll actually support that you should say something.
Searchingforafriend · 26-30, F
It is a lot more than weed.
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HoldenCaulfield97 · 26-30, M
If you report him your friend will probably not like you anymore and she will most likely stay with him anyways. It's just not worth it. As long as its not meth, heroine, or crack then just leave it alone. And i doubt this 17 year old is selling any of these
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Exmemper · 51-55, M
Does he sell to kids
Exmemper · 51-55, M
Your welcome I wouldn't snitch but when it comes to kids and family's you have to do the right thing as that child could die
Searchingforafriend · 26-30, F
I am in total agreement. Especially since it is my ex boyfriend and best friend who could be the ones dying. It is worth the possible hatred.
Exmemper · 51-55, M
Well just pass the info to a local cop and tell him you don't want to be involved and let them do what they need to do
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Newfrommars · 46-50, M
Anyone sellings to kids, school kids should be immediatelt turned into athurities similar to any sexual abuser..i hate drug dealers they make themselves rich off others weakness and drugs eat us, only to give a short term reielf...i am in war with Drug dealers.
PicturesOfABetterTomorrow · 41-45, M
Turn the low life in before they destroy your friend or get them hurt. Just a minor example from my own life a friend of mine in high school got beat severely because his ex girlfriend was late paying her dealer and you have to be very naive to believe they won't beat up or do worse to your friend because she is a girl. Even if he does not turn her into a junkie should could easily become collateral damage.
karjohn · 26-30, F
a rat is a rat u do what u have to
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PicturesOfABetterTomorrow · 41-45, M
Yeah and bad things happen to people who are cowards too. Especially when their friends are potential collateral damage. As far as I am concerned aiding and abbeding criminals is no different then being a dealer yourself.
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karjohn · 26-30, F
u dont turn him in dont be a rat thats worse talk to ur g/f