we just look at them as fellow humans :)
quinnVneck · 31-35, F
to be honest i think they're balancedly lucky to be able to take a piss without any hassle and not go through childbirth, however sometimes [privileged or not] to be forced or join the army and risking their lives in battle
PS; i don't understand some of the feminist wanting to be a man...if they don't want to risk being treated like a man then why not embrace their role as women? no offense though just sayin'
PS; i don't understand some of the feminist wanting to be a man...if they don't want to risk being treated like a man then why not embrace their role as women? no offense though just sayin'
AmbivalentFriability · 26-30
There really isn't a general answer for this.
wudifu · 46-50, M
There is a general answer for woman so why not for men
AmbivalentFriability · 26-30
@wudifu: There might be a general answer abour women from your point of view, but men don't all think the same way, they don't all have the same opinions. There might be "groups" of men who think similarly, but it wouldn't make sense to say that men in general think the way they do. People are too diverse. Even if you speak from the majority's point of view, it's still not quite right to be speaking for everyone. There might be 10% that think one way, 27% another, 13% this way, 44% that way, and 16% yet another. Here 44% is the hypothetical majority. 44% of men who have similar opinions. Not even half of all men. It wouldn't make sense or be fair to say that how these men think is the general consensus when it comes to men's opinions on women.
I hope that makes sense.
It is better to treat people as individuals, and respect that they each have their own perception of the world that isn't quite the same as anyone else's.
I hope that makes sense.
It is better to treat people as individuals, and respect that they each have their own perception of the world that isn't quite the same as anyone else's.

depends on the girl and their view points on men. some are more positive than others. some dont have very good view points.

Not all girls think the same thing..
wudifu · 46-50, M
Good question. Lets wait and see
LachrymoseLamer · 51-55, M
This'll be good!...
OpenlyHonestly · 31-35, F
Different women think different things about different men.
wudifu · 46-50, M
But in general we think with our hand up our pants LOL