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I’ve been talking to this guy for weeks and no date plans?

Hey everyone, so I am in a confusing situation. Two weeks ago a guy and I matched and started chatting. The first day we started chatting online he asked for my number and called me. Then he asked me on a date for the next Saturday which was exactly a week from day we started chatting. During the week, he called me and texted me everyday from morning to say good morning, in the middle of the day, and in the evening. His consistency made me believe that he was so into me. He even told me that he just feels so much chemistry with me and that he has a feeling when we meet things will go really well. So I was extremely excited for the date because he had hyped it up so much.

Throughout the week he kept counting down the days until Saturday and told me how excited he is to see me. Then as Saturday came closer, I asked him what the plans are for our date and he would give vague responses. I thought maybe he’s just busy so I’ll just let him make the plans on his time. The Friday evening before our date on Saturday he messages me and says that he has a crisis at work as a contract fell through so he and his team has to work all weekend. He kept telling me how disappointed he is and that he’s really sorry and that he would make it up to. I was extremely disappoint but I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and he said we would see each other on Wednesday or Thursday of the next week.

We continued on and he continued to text me and call me every morning and evening. During our calls he would talk about the future and how we will be going on many dates. He even started to plan a vacation and I told him that we had never even met so how would he even know. And he told me he just knows and has a feeling that things will go very well between us. I told him I still have to see what happens after we meet.

Anyway, this week Tuesday night comes around and he still didn’t make any date plans when he told me that we would be seeing each other on Thursday or Friday. I believe that a 34 year old man knows that no woman would want a last minute date planned. Also the fact that he didn’t have any plan just makes it clear that all of this was fake. I messaged him on the Tuesday evening and asked him why he hasn’t said anything about our date tomorrow. And he told me he was about to call me so we can plan the date. I said that’s not acceptable for me and that he’s not the right guy for me so I’d rather not waste my time anymore or his.

I guess I just want to vent about my experience as well as hear other peoples thoughts on this. Do you think I made the right decision? Or do you think I was too harsh about it?
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Originalme · 26-30, F
If I were you, I wouldn't waste anymore time thinking about it or stressing. Being inconsistent, hot and cold, and giving off mixed signals and not putting enough effort are huge red flags in my book. Important thing is to be realistic and to not allow wishful thinking to get the best of you. Set standards and boundaries, value yourself and don't settle for anything less.
Wallflow3r · 26-30, F
I think you made the right decision I would have done the same.. Did he come out of a frosted flakes cereal box cause he sounds like a complete flake Lol he sounds too shy to take you on a date so don’t waste your time. I had the same happen to me once, we would always plan to hang out then on the day of he wouldn’t reply to me then a week later he would message again and the same thing would happen. It’s just a waste of time …

The right guy will come along and he will not flake out on you. : )
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
@Wallflow3r definitely... It's all just practise ...
CastorTroy · 31-35, M
You made the right decision. You are worth more than him.
QueenandCrown · 41-45, F
I normally meet guys the following day, even if it was a meet and greet. I'm in my forties so I'm not trying to waste any time.
He's stringing you along, but I don't know why. It doesn't take much to meet someone if you live close by.
Trust me, you've saved yourself a lot of headache by not taking the bait.
marsbar · F
This sounds all too familiar to me since I’m dating as well & meeting men on apps.

I’d feel the same way as you. It gets to a point where enough is enough, especially when his words don’t coincide with his actions. He’s 34, not 20.
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
Guys as a general rule don't plan like we do...
@ozgirl512 yah im slob x3 x'3
If their actions don't match their words they are wasting your time. It's a good idea to move on
iamnikki · 31-35, F
TLDR sorry, wanted to help
Monday on a tuesday!!
Lilymoon · F
He's a flake. You did the right thing.
JP1119 · 36-40, M
Was he really sad you cut him off?
gracek93 · 31-35, F
@JP1119 he just said “oh wow I see. So with that, that’s it. I guess you’ve made up your mind. It’s a shame that this one transgression ultimately lost my chance with you. I wish you luck” so I guess not really?
JP1119 · 36-40, M
@gracek93 Yeah doesn’t sound like it. I might have second guessed it if he had sounded sad, but I think it was a good choice. On dating sites are lots of scammers and frauds. Also I can’t really imagine myself being so apparently interested in someone so quickly, especially without having met in person. I’ve never texted anyone multiple times every day, and whenever I have shown a fraction of that amount of early interest I’ve always been quickly rejected. That is really suspicious that he never told you the plans for your dates. I’m curious what he would have said if you’d given him a chance to lay out the plans when he was “about to call you” to tell you them.
gracek93 · 31-35, F
@JP1119 right ? I thought it was extremely weird that he was basically telling me all of these things and how he knows we will have a great future together etc when we hadn’t even met. He even told me he can’t wait to introduce me to his parents and can’t wait to meet my brother when he comes into town, etc. idk i just felt like that was really weird but then his calling and texting actions were so consistent it threw me off guard. I also thought it was weird he didn’t have a specific place or time in mind for our Saturday date that was supposed to happpen last week either.

I’m just kinda confused why someone would want to act like that and also how they have the time to call someone every morning and night without the intention of moving things along. So weird
justanothername · 51-55, M
where is the guy from? Does he live in your city? Any time a guy comes up with as many excuses as he does and always manages not to meet you for a date.. You KNOW he is a fake.
gracek93 · 31-35, F
Yes we live a mile from each other in nyc @justanothername
justanothername · 51-55, M
@gracek93 And he still hasn't managed to meet you for a drink or anything?

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