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I'm supposed to go on a date tomorrow evening...

And I'm anxious af.

He's the guy that wanted to hurry and meet me. The one that wanted a full body pic. I didn't appreciate being asked that but... Y'know, I don't want to mark someone off just for asking. He didn't pressure me either.

We're supposed to meet tomorrow but I'm soo nervous. Nervous he'll kidnap me or worse. But then I remind myself that I'm overthinking... I'm smarter than I give myself credit for.

I won't leave my drink alone with him. I won't leave with him. I won't be alone with him. Maybe go somewhere else afterward to do some shopping so he can't follow me home but then again, maybe that too is an irrational thought.

Oh my gosh I'm so anxious I feel like I'm going to barf. Calm down, Jupe... Caaaalm dowwwn 😣🤢
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ExtremeNext · 31-35
I can't believe how nervous you sound, it's just a date have fun get to know him lol
If he is some kind of serial killer his freezer is probable full of young girls heads anyway
At most you might lose a nose finger or toe
Just relax
@ExtremeNext Reminds me of that episode from The IT Crowd lol. Roy goes to meet this guy and come to find out he's only interested in killing him, it was a funny episode lol.
JupiterDreams · 31-35
@ExtremeNext Lol I'll try. But my experience with men hasn't been the best and I'm like... What if this is the big one? A murderer??!
@JupiterDreams I was never really safe when I was meeting women from the AOL chat room. I met this one woman, I think she was within 5 years of my age, well she's driving us, that was scary. She's speeding, blaring her music and to top it off, mid ride she decides to tell me that she doesn't have a drivers license!

Let's just say that was that, when we got back to her place, I grabbed my keys and left. Quickly lol. That was all back in the mid 1990's. Now I make sure to meet at a public place and stuff because nowadays you don't know who'll be there, and if they have ulterior motives or something.
JupiterDreams · 31-35
@twiigss Aww oh my gosh haha 🥺🤗