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Would it be wrong to leave before my friend wake up?

I drove 4 hours away to come see my friend. I don’t feel that close to her and never did because she used to be mean to me but we made up before I moved to another state. We made plans that she would be coming back with me and stay at my place for 1 week but it’s been a few hours at the hotel and I’m remembering the past of her bullying me and being mean to me and not treating me how she does her other friends. Idk if it would be smart to bring her to my new place. I kinda want to dip out before she wakes up while we are still in her city she can take a Uber or Lyft home. so I don’t have to spend 1 week with her. She even lied to her roommates and told them she was going to Miami instead of saying she hanging with me. With her other friends she cuddles and sings and parties with me she just turned over went to bed and got quiet. I don’t think we are really close enough for her to come all the way to my place in another state and stay a week. If my way is wrong to just leave please tell me some other ways thank you. I just feel like this could be a mistake. She has me saved in her phone as sister but I don’t really feel like she treats me like a sister I haven’t seen her in a year or two I thought we would be up girl talking but she acts cold and funny towards me nothing how she treats the friends who she loves.
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ScarletWitch · 31-35, F
I think she really regrets what she did. And is trying to forgive herself for it. I think she is doing her best to make amends with your friendship. I think you should stay. She was mean growing up, but she's not that person now. And she does miss you as her friend to bond again. I hope you give her one more chance.
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ScarletWitch · 31-35, F
@Loveallot12 I hope u have a blast!!!! Enjoy yourselves!!! I wish u two well!!! 🥰 And ur lil one 🥺
ScarletWitch · 31-35, F
@Loveallot12 and remember even sisters are mean to each other lol 😇🤗😇
If you make a promise for her to stay in your house under your hospitality for a week, then it would be dishonest to leave that promise. It would be wrong. If you two agreed to meet, then come out of your side and let her to hers.

If she is rude under your roof, you have every right to kick her out. She cannot fight you in your own home and you can call the police. Just be an honest and good girl and do anything you agreed to do
Loveallot12 · 26-30, F
@Loveallot12 you're welcome. I wish good and much strength to you 😁
hatsupdudette · 26-30, F
You don't have to be nice to "once a nice" kinda ppl. Sometime ppl have the ability to tell lot of things but their actions wont reconcile with the words they speak. so decide accordingly if you don't want her to be with her then don't do it just because for her to feel comfortable.
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
What did you end up deciding and how did it work out?
Loveallot12 · 26-30, F
I just posted a update it was all good but then 4 to 5 months later I found out she was recording at my place to try to get me kicked out my apartment. Her own words. Just because I told her she couldn’t live with me. Then she posted old pics of me bashing me online threatened to lie to cps just to purposeing remove my child from his loving home. This girl was never my friend but everyone told me to ignore my gut instinct. We have intuition for a reason. @Jenny1234
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
@Loveallot12 she sounds like a horrible person.
Loveallot12 · 26-30, F
@Jenny1234 yes I should’ve listened to my first thought. Like half way there I was like woah what am I doing then when I got there she had this evil narcissist look on her face like a smirk with dead eyes. When I got into the hotel room I felt like something wasn’t right and asked similar worlds what I should do but allll the empaths said to give her a chance and that burned me in the end lll
Loveallot12 · 26-30, F
Update I actually should’ve left her because once she got my address she tried to black mail me, and she video recorded her self at my house and threatened to lie and send it to the leasing office. Just to lie to try to get me kicked out because I always knew this girl wasn’t my friend. Can we normalize letting women listen to their first gut and intuition. If I would’ve just left her I would’ve protected my son and my mental health for the past 4 to 5 months. I can tell when someone has bad intentions for me it’s a natural gift but we often get told to ignore it and give people chances. Then she threatened to call cps on me for nothing just to get back at me for ending the friendship.
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
@Loveallot12 I think she has serious mental issues

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