It ain't "normal", but I think it's frequent and yeah people don't care like they used to. It's not right, but yeah I think people have grown accustomed to using their excuses to feel justified in doing it.
johntomSWPhd · 36-40
@SW-User I feel its very common these days.People see it lightly.

@johntomSWPhd Yep right there with you. Morals have declined.
midnightrose · F
It happens frequently but it's not new. People were quiet about it before or their spouse tolerated it. Less chance of getting caught. Technology has outed a lot of people. More women cheat now than they did in the past. It's become a two-way street.
johntomSWPhd · 36-40
@midnightrose I think working women cheat the most.You are right, women are cheating more these days.
midnightrose · F
@johntomSWPhd Work provides a lot of opportunity for people to cheat. Often between co-workers because they spend a lot of time together and share a common bond over something. It's a common trap. I don't mean the co-worker trapped them it's just they don't understand why they have those feelings and that it's not necessarily that there's something flawed with their spouse. It's just we as humans are susceptible to certain feelings when we encounter specific situations and don't have boundaries.
johntomSWPhd · 36-40
@midnightrose Yup, I know the feeling.You actually see dreams of the other person.But i dint go that route.But thats just me.Usually people go for it.No judgements though.
Doomflower · 41-45, M

johntomSWPhd · 36-40
@Doomflower not happy.Wants new dik..😆
Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 31-35, F
Well I know a family member who hasn’t been faithful before his marriage & more than 10 years on has kept that consistent. Honestly I don’t really understand the wife at this point. It’s one thing to decide for yourself you don’t need respect or love ( sad as it is) but children are impacted one way or another from the first relationship they watch directly. I just hope their daughter stays far away from people like her father when she grows up. I do see couples who turn a blind eye to more things in the relationship that are in poor shape than just the faithfulness. It’s unfortunate but we can only decide a standard for ourselves. Everyone is flawed in someway just not always as obvious to us.
johntomSWPhd · 36-40
@Mrsbetweenfatandfit I agree.But for a guy, a woman cheating is a noo go zone.But these days, guys are even turning a blind eye to that.Previously women used to turn a blind eye to guys cheating.Now, both sexes are cheating.
Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 31-35, F
@johntomSWPhd that joke about the wife with the pool boy & the joke of the husband with the nanny both feel pretty old to me 🤔

@Mrsbetweenfatandfit Yep the kids are always impacted. More than we think. And cheating is really doing them a disservice too.