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Women do you think a man's height is important?

I'm not bothered about them being 6ft as long as they're taller than me
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I don't think it,
but in practise I do feel a difference.
For me, if a man is four inches taller than me, the fit is perfect. It's the most comfortable to walk with arms around each other.
As it happens, the man I married is four inches shorter. He has severe kyphoscholiosis. This distortion means that to walk with arms around each other one side is comfortable and the other not.
There are many physical ways in which his lack of height has been awkward to deal with.
Nevertheless, he is a kind, honest, loving man and I wouldn't lose that for the sake of someone taller.
SarahTheHooker · 26-30, F

I've only ever had one boyfriend and he's a little taller than me....unless I wear my heels, then we're pretty much the same height..

I never really thought of it...

Sarah 💋
sarahcs · 61-69, F
@SarahTheHooker yes I feel safe with a tall strong man it's the way I am wired I suppose
SarahTheHooker · 26-30, F
@sarahcs I think it's societies little indoctrination....we just keep getting fed subliminal messages and advertisements all the time....

...and I guess that that whilst you feel safer with the taller guy you'll also be thinking that others will acknowledge your safety and protection by this tall guy and not cause you any bother...

Sarah 💋
sarahcs · 61-69, F
@SarahTheHooker well putand so right
acupaday · 46-50, F
When it comes to changing lightbulbs that I don’t want to be bothered to get a step stool for, sure, some height would be nifty. But I’ve been with guys from my own height to 6’+ and height played very little in the level of attraction. I’ll admit though, there’s something about the taller guys. They have this thing where their chin rests on the top of your head and their arms drape over your shoulders in such a way that just makes you feel as snug as a bug in a rug. These are the same guys who’ll rest their elbow on your head and call you short stuff, but ya know...there’s always a balance.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
:) There's always someone trying to divide us into "acceptable" Vs "unacceptable" merchandise, and putting financial, social, or even romantic price tags, depending on which bin we fall into.

I recall job requirements from not too long ago where physical dimensions were part of the job qualifications, even when size or weight had absolutely nothing to do with the job itself.
My hub is over a foot taller than me and we both like it. 🙂
No. The "hot guys" at work are both shorter than me. I'm 5'4". 🤷‍♀️
No one cares. Everyone likes them. They carry themselves as "taller" and it's easy to forget they aren't.
Kae20 · 56-60, FVIP
No I dont actually, in general most men I meet are taller than me because I'm 5'3

However I did once date and almost marry a guy that was around 5 '6 ish which is considered short

& he was a lovely, fantastic partner every bit a Man to me.

No problems at all ;)
sarahcs · 61-69, F
@Kae20 well said
HairbrushDiva · 31-35, F
Why is it that important for him to be taller than you?
HairbrushDiva · 31-35, F
@AliceNoctem Do you wear high heels?
AliceNoctem · 31-35, F
@HairbrushDiva not very often
HairbrushDiva · 31-35, F
@AliceNoctem I've got one pair that make me slightly taller than my husband. I take it you wouldn't wear those.
iamnikki · 31-35, F
I've relaxed my standard (6 feet). So now, he needs to be taller than me ( I'm 5,3)
dondon · M
@iamnikki What's your weight though?
My husband is 6’5” and I’m 5’5”... it works for us
I prefer them tall as well!
Bignose · 26-30, M
@SW-User what counts as tall? I'm a little over 6'1. Am I a little shorty?
dondon · M
So how high are we putting this bar exactly in metric?
AliceNoctem · 31-35, F
@dondon anywhere between 5ft4 and 6food odd is good 👍
dondon · M
@AliceNoctem woo hoo made it. So the bar is set at 163 cm.
AliceNoctem · 31-35, F
@dondon Congratulations! 🎉🎊❤️
My husband is taller than me and I love it.☺
What about too tall? I’ve had women I wanted to date say I was too tall because they were too short. They ended up dating a few guys I knew who were with a guy at like 5’-6”. So what is too tall?
AliceNoctem · 31-35, F
@SW-User personally anything much over 6ft would be too tall for me as I'm only 5'4" and they'd look like a giant next to me
@AliceNoctem interesting. So all it would be is the feeling of a giant person next to you lol
AliceNoctem · 31-35, F
@SW-User yeah I went out with a 6'4" guy and I felt like an ant. He had to bend right down to kiss me etc haha
As long as they are taller than me. Some guys think that's another thing wrong with women bla bla bla. Not everybody is considered attractive, natural selection is a thing and biologically women are attracted to men bigger than them. Its just tge way the cookie crumbles.
Men who get upset about things like this only repel people even more
6'4" here, often heard that ladies prefer tall boys, even though it really hasn't helped me situation....
sarahcs · 61-69, F
Are tall men bigger than smaller men any one tell me
dondon · M
@sarahcs Which country are you from?🧐
sarahcs · 61-69, F
@dondon uk
AliceNoctem · 31-35, F
@sarahcs Not necessarily
Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 31-35, F
I personally don’t see how being a certain distance from the ground plays as a trait of attractiveness. It’s always seemed strange to me. Everyone has preferences I suppose though & sometimes that means can they reach stuff from the top shelf with ease or can they easily wedge themselves in small tight spaces perhaps to save a lost item.
@AliceNoctem so I am curious why women don’t like guys over 6ft? I am 6’-2” and it actually has made dating the women I was interested in getting me rejected because they felt I was too tall for them to be compatible. I guess they were upfront about it instead of leading me on and trying but I have heard and seen this before and am curious why too tall is a thing?
AliceNoctem · 31-35, F
@SW-User If I really liked the guy it honestly wouldn't be a big deal, I'd overlook it, I just don't like feeling tiny haha
Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 31-35, F
@SW-User personally for me height isn’t something I even think of as attractive or unattractive. How close they are to the ceiling isn’t a relative trait when I looked for a partner. My husband is 6’4 I think he’s very handsome & he’d be as attractive to me at 5’4
Zonuss · 46-50, M
bluemachine · 31-35, M
i know some women go over taller guys because they think tall means big dick lol

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