There is good and darkness in everyone. You can be a loving person, but turn hateful on another for whatever reason. No one is without sin or a sinful nature.
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nice4mheart · 41-45, M
hate was the last thing i had on my life menu, thought i was incapable of it :)
@NearMiss: God says love thy neighbors as yourself. It may not be a sin, but it's not representing your true loving nature.
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I genuinely believe I have a beautiful soul... I'm very sweet, but I certainly do have my moments.
nice4mheart · 41-45, M
yes life can unfold our emotions like surprise

haha... you have a lot to learn....
Everything can hate...
Everything can hate...

@fazer1k: Age doesn't mean anything... you don't have to be this age or that age to have wisdom or intelligence... it's not rocket science..
fazer1k · 56-60, M
@SterbenReyne: Age means a lot - it means life experience, for a start. At 13-15, telling someone aged 31-35 they have a lot to learn is somewhat hypocritical.

@fazer1k: yes and no, life experience isn't "experienced" as a whole.. as theres always something different that happens, which is obvious... and i never said i knew everything, i already know i have far more i need to learn... so i'm not hypocritical in this case..
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nice4mheart · 41-45, M
like fear turns into hate with time, i think sadness convert into anger or hate to :(
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fazer1k · 56-60, M
Probably not hatred of people but perhaps hatred of actions or attributes.
nice4mheart · 41-45, M
very mature thought you have given me here, thank you :)
Puppies are so nice :)
nice4mheart · 41-45, M
Puppies are innocent creature no heart can hate them :)
My new puppies is among the cutest ever in the universe 😁 And he's so sweet.. :) like 🤗🤗🤗
nice4mheart · 41-45, M
your puppy seems to be lucky, to have someone who love and adore its cuteness.