Sometimes theyre just nice words. Sometimes it's nice for others to see. Sometimes it's wishful thinking. Sometimes it's love.
Sometimes theyre just nice words. Sometimes it's nice for others to see. Sometimes it's wishful thinking. Sometimes it's love.
flamewolf454 · 26-30, M
@SW-User my best friend posts these kind of stuff sometimes and we both like eachother but it hasn't been a few days since we talked and she posted 3 stories of a person stuck in her thoughts and love at first sight and whatever like wtf..
flamewolf454 · 26-30, M
does her being a writer have anything to do with this?

@flamewolf454 Maybe
MarmeeMarch · M
It just means - she can't help it....
flamewolf454 · 26-30, M
@MarmeeMarch wha?
MarmeeMarch · M
@flamewolf454 ..............exactly