Fine unless 'those' kind of pics
It making you jealous or suspicious? If so address it
It making you jealous or suspicious? If so address it
flamewolf454 · 26-30, M
@Notlost there Normal pics of him
@flamewolf454 guess it depends on other stuff too. Like how solid the 2 of you are and how open also their history ie if they've had a thing before, and also how she would feel if you did that to a female friends pics
Na that's excessive. I've never seen someone mass like people's stuff unless they fancy them
Blackbeauty · 36-40, F
Depends what the pictures were.
flamewolf454 · 26-30, M
@Blackbeauty normal pics of him
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Its not ok to be obsessed with your gfs instagram activity
MarmeeMarch · M
lol - she's cheating on you dumbbell
flamewolf454 · 26-30, M
@MarmeeMarch how dare she cheat on me with a dumbbell
MarmeeMarch · M
@flamewolf454 Wake up sir - its not the content of the pictures - it's the fact that she is interested in looking at what he is sending her. Dump her before you get burned.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M

Yes it is and if you are jealous then you shouldn't be with her