Aquatic1 · F
Yes absolutely. I was infatuated with in college but the more time spent with him I realised it was just physical attraction and that actually he was terrible person and life with him would be tough.
flamewolf454 · 26-30, M
@Aquatic1 😂 that is real cool.. btw how did u overcome the physical attraction? sometimes we get the feeling that this person is the only person that has this type of face or body and etc.. u get me right?
Aquatic1 · F
@flamewolf454 It was easy. Like you say it went off like a switch.

Yes but if I really like them I’ll allow the mistakes lol
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flamewolf454 · 26-30, M
@RogueLoner il take that as a good thing... especially if they didn't Iike u back
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