It would be shallow to only be attracted to someone based on if they were skinny or not. So no. You are good. Maybe you like her as a person.
Billybob2 · 26-30, M
@canusernamebemyusername apparently there a lot of shallow people, I heard from my group of friends that she was no longer hot and really "let herself go".
ProdigalSummer · F
It's almost like she's the same fucking person 😳
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@ProdigalSummer 🤭 so funny
Billybob2 · 26-30, M
@ProdigalSummer I expected myself to be fery shallow because my parents automatically dislike chubby people.
ProdigalSummer · F
@Billybob2 you are a different person and can choose your own values

Nope I like chubby men
Quizzical · 46-50, M
@SW-User 👍️
DaveStevenson · M
It doesn't matter what's on the outside, it matters what's on the inside.
Doomflower · 41-45, M
No. My boyfriend tells me he doesn't care what I weigh because my weight isn't what makes me sexy. It's not like he wants me to be fat but he also says he likes me at the weight I am now because I look like a ripe fruit.
I feel like a jelly roll.
I feel like a jelly roll.
Henal · 26-30, F
No, why would it be?

It's not weird.
GreenGoddess · F
That's sweet ☺
Quizzical · 46-50, M
If folks were not attracted to overweight people I'd get no interest at all, lol

Not at all. My girlfriend has gained well over 100 lbs since we started dating and I love it!