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My mom hits me with the bible and thinks im satan? can someone help? I don't know where to g or what to do

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assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
Or go to your local pastor and ask him if he supports or resents such treatment of both a daughter and a scripture.
He gotta say one or the other so then you can have your mum meet him and he can talk to her about it.
Success · 26-30, F
BS account. Daddy also hurts you and I'm not allowed to suggest moving out?
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Success · 26-30, F
@LittleLesbianS Help! Surrounded by idiots!
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
Oh. Wow. You should quote a line from the Bible to her that forbids anyone from hurting someone like that 🤔 I mean I'm sure there's one.
This is so not cool.
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Eh? Wow! God bless
Wow. She seems like she is the one who needs Jesus
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Bagalamaga · 56-60, M
Wiseacre · F
Divorce her!
Niloo · 46-50, F
With all due respect, your mom needs psych treatment.
@Niloo someone does
FreestyleArt · 36-40, M
That's not a child of God. Just a religious hypocrite
Fernie · F
you're full of crap kiddo
@Fernie Look at the previous post about crap in a bag.

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