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Sallysales33 · 41-45, F
To many reasons

RedRhapsody · 31-35, F
Because fuckboys and hipsters seem to be the "thing" these days, and I would gladly choose eternal solitude or death over dating one...
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@theowl: that mustve hurted you a bit. I knew a girl like that, I loved her (in a friendly manner), but it hurted me when she came home and said she had provided anal sex for someone to buy alcohol for her.
its annoying its like are all these women now just sex addicts. its more fun for them to screw around then having something meaningful.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@theowl: I think that is what is going to happen to the entire world, it will only get worse and worse and everyone will end up as selfish sex addicts... In the past everyone were religious and believed it was good to follow the rules of how to only have one marriage and keep sex within those bonds, but now when atheistm is growing, people don't have anything that stops themselves from screwing people over. What they do not understand is that it's all an evil circle, the ones who are having the time of their lives now will in short be the ones who are conflicted with it.
Crippling depression and low self-esteem.
Because I left my husband
MD71desires · 51-55, F
Because people don't understand the value of commitment anymore. Working on things. It's a me now society.
Touch subject at the moment. Technically married but separated. He wasn't happy. Your spouse is not responsible for making you happy. There there to help make your life better. Your still responsible for your own happiness.
i cannot be what others expect of me.
Because Im not yet married
rare for me to feel that way towards another. but it seems i fall for the crazy ones. plus being quiet and kind of antisocial. plus living in the middle of no where doesnt help.
Don't get out much to meet guys outside of work. Also, the guys I like either don't like me or they're taken ... OR ... I have no interest in the ones that do like me.
Besause Im not yet married
I'm picky, I guess
Aprism · F
I am indecisive, it wouldn't be fair to the man if someone else came along and caught my eye.

I don't want to live a life of "what ifs" I do believe there is "The one" waiting for me somewhere but he is but a mystery for now.
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Invisible · 26-30, M
A lifelong habit of antisocial behavior
Jakey75 · 61-69, M
I am fat, broke, and have ED.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Because I choose to be :)

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