For me, a well rounded relationship has all of that, sweetness & spice, minus the bickering.
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@th3r0n I don't do toxic relationships so, if that's what he meant, I'm not surprised I misunderstood the question.
th3r0n · 41-45, M
@SW-User yeah I get out quick before even dating when I see toxicity, but I enjoy light banter as long as it's just playful
Northwest · M
Bickering, roasts, and tests are not part of my definition of spice.
That aside, the combination of romantic and spice, works best for me.
That aside, the combination of romantic and spice, works best for me.
DragonSlayerr · 26-30, F
A little bit of both is fun. I kind of have the “spice” personality but not in a mean way. I enjoy good banter and testing wit as a part of flirting. I’m not particularly sensitive either. But I like sweetness too.
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th3r0n · 41-45, M
I'm all for sweetness, I love being gentle and sweet with a woman, and how I love to get that sweetness back
Banter and play has its place, but gentleness and affection are what I favor most
Banter and play has its place, but gentleness and affection are what I favor most