That's how online dating works. Sometimes less than a week. No different than going out with a stranger you met at a bar, really.
quitwhendone · M
@SW-User Everyone is a stranger when you first meet.
Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
People are all just people... it's wise to talk to people online long enough to feel pretty sure it's ok to meet them.. but that can take a day, a week or a year... there's no set time.. And yes, you can make sure you meet somewhere public and have a safety plan in place.. but other than that there's no reason not to meet people online...
english · 56-60, M
would you go out with someone you met in bar after a week? or a pub? where do you meet people to date,this generation all do it online,instead of being so judgmental offer an alternative. 🤔
Spoiledbrat · F
If I met someone from my area, I might. It depends on how much I knew about them and if I had at least Skyped or video chatted first.

Depends on how comfortable I am with them. If we did go out it would be public place and separate cars.
HeteroDox · 41-45, F
Not after a week. non. a few months **maybe**
DamnFeelz · 36-40, F
Sure..that’s pretty normal when it comes to online dating. Met the person I’ve been seeing for a few months now on a dating site. So far so good. We messaged a lot for a day then switched over to the phone and we talked for a couple hours a night for a week before meeting up for coffee. 🤷🏻♀️
bearinthehalfwayhouse · 26-30, M
Sure, if only for a meal and she's putting out. ┬┴┬┴┤•ᴥ •ʔ/ Haaaaaving said that I suppose it makes my character quite shallow in that moment........ IN THAT MOMENT!!! Emphasis!! ┬┴┬┴┤•ᴥ•ʔ
Spoiledbrat · F
But it’s doubtful and that’s only hypothetically speaking because I don’t Skype with people I don’t know.

No. It would be months.
MellyMel22 · F
lizzy96 · 26-30, F
Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 31-35, F
I married him so it’s worked out for me
Marshall · 36-40, M
@Mrsbetweenfatandfit How long have you been together?
Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 31-35, F
@Marshall 3 years thus far
Atlotto · M
I have, several times.
"What does that say about you if you do?"...I got laid, several times.
"What does that say about you if you do?"...I got laid, several times.
Johnblackthorn · 56-60, M
Definitely, it's screens out, guy's pretending to be women, chicks with dicks, and the obligatory affiliates, there are approximately six of each group to each genuine member of the dating site.