lulaluboo Best Comment
Yes. Romantically. And I possibly have a few others in my life. Probably my mom for sure.
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purplepen · 51-55, F
Yes. I briefly dated one. I ended up telling him to break up with me if he didn't like the way I looked, dressed, spoke, and thought. So we broke up and I was heartbroken but relieved.
My ex husband on the other hand was not exactly narcissist, but we parted ways when he had a sort of midlife crisis that involved hating everyone and abandoning the beliefs that we had shared. He had suffered a lot because of parental abandonment while young. He has made a different life for himself and is probably still single.
I had other narcissists storm in and out of my life from time to time too. I have 2 of them in my family but it was still freaky and confusing.
I had some church pastors and church 'ministry helpers' who were very narcissistic too. Several of them were in the same churches and social networks.
Narcs in positions of authority can be extra dangerous, especially when they gang up on you.
My ex husband on the other hand was not exactly narcissist, but we parted ways when he had a sort of midlife crisis that involved hating everyone and abandoning the beliefs that we had shared. He had suffered a lot because of parental abandonment while young. He has made a different life for himself and is probably still single.
I had other narcissists storm in and out of my life from time to time too. I have 2 of them in my family but it was still freaky and confusing.
I had some church pastors and church 'ministry helpers' who were very narcissistic too. Several of them were in the same churches and social networks.
Narcs in positions of authority can be extra dangerous, especially when they gang up on you.

Yes, and it was not great. Apart from never doing anything right and never living up to their standards, it was still not great.

Yup. When you grow up with one, you begin to think that kind of treatment is normal. I was miserable as hell trying to please him but still went on with it.
He ended up getting bored of playing with me and left, thankfully. Blessing in disguise at the time. Took me a while but I was able to put myself back together to this New and Improved state.
Never again.
He ended up getting bored of playing with me and left, thankfully. Blessing in disguise at the time. Took me a while but I was able to put myself back together to this New and Improved state.
Never again.
Girlmom02 · 46-50, F
@SW-User it will be hard to trust again. He was supposed to love and protect me

@Girlmom02 I get that. It's why I'm so damn careful now even when I think I've found someone above and beyond what I thought possible. I have to protect myself.
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
Nope, and I never would...
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Not a relationship per se but I know narcissists and I avoid them.
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Girlmom02 · 46-50, F
@SW-User I’m on my way. He’s gone. I am just trying to process it all
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looking4thesun · M
I can honestly say I have never been in a relationship with a narcissist but I have worked with one for the las 9 yrs and to be honest he discusts me me..
looking4thesun · M
@Girlmom02 I totally understand how it is different for a mate to endure him.. this man turns my stomache so I can only imagine what he does with his mate or partners mind
Girlmom02 · 46-50, F
@looking4thesun my husband verbally and physically abused me, lied, cheated and manipulated
looking4thesun · M
@Girlmom02 well as far as I am concerned once he physically abuses you it take a big turn from a narcissist. and he should be in jail.. no one deserves to be touched in an angry manner.
Groofydorkgerdo · 56-60, M
My wife use to be, back in the begging.
We worked things out, and.she is much better now.
We worked things out, and.she is much better now.
rfhh1959 · 61-69, M
My first wife
If you care to know more I would prefer to do it in PM
If you care to know more I would prefer to do it in PM
Peaches · F
Here's a link to the narcissist personality if you'd like to read it.
I'm glad you got away...💓
I'm glad you got away...💓

Yes... we soon thereafter divorced
Been in a few, they’re quite arrogant and selfish, moments since
Been in a few, they’re quite arrogant and selfish, moments since
Johnblackthorn · 56-60, M
Briefly, circumstances ended it before I was sucked in.
Johnblackthorn · 56-60, M
@Girlmom02 yes, it was getting comfortable even though I knew it was a bad idea, I thought I could handle/fix her. But you probably know the feeling.
Girlmom02 · 46-50, F
@Johnblackthorn omg do I ever. I didn’t realize the exact problem I was trying to fix? Thought this was him. Turns out most are the same
Johnblackthorn · 56-60, M
@Girlmom02 when a behavior like this has a name that means it happens a lot which means there are a lot of them, the problem is you fall for one and then look for similar traits in the next partner without realising until you're to deep.
Peaches · F
Yes, I just posted about their personality disorder yesterday.😔💙
masterofyou · 70-79, M
No I would not allow it..

Wiseacre · F
No, a psychopath!
bijouxbroussard · F
Nooo...I can see the signs now. Having a narcissistic family member has taught me a lot.