anyone else's Ex shows up at your doorstep outta nowhere?
He calls me and I dodge his call. We haven't spoken in around a month. Then my roommate and I hear a knock on the door. He peaks out the window and says "You need to let us know when he's gonna be showing up." And I'm like "WHAT WHO" and I storm pass him and enter a confrontation with my Ex Boyfriend. He asks if I want to hang out and I deny him, say I don't feel like going anwywhere, and I shut the door in his face.
I have really bad anxiety towards having people show up unnannounced especially when it makes my roommates find it uncomfortable with them here. He knows this and he still shows up and gives me what felt like a heart attack. I can still barely breathe. My body completely went numb I'm surprised my knees didn't go weak and I didn't fall.
I have given in in the past and hung with them and gave in to certain desires but today I was just not feeling it at all.
I have really bad anxiety towards having people show up unnannounced especially when it makes my roommates find it uncomfortable with them here. He knows this and he still shows up and gives me what felt like a heart attack. I can still barely breathe. My body completely went numb I'm surprised my knees didn't go weak and I didn't fall.
I have given in in the past and hung with them and gave in to certain desires but today I was just not feeling it at all.