BalmyNites · F
My marriage, I felt so free when I divorced him
Montanaman · M
@BalmyNites 🤗🤗
BalmyNites · F
@Montanaman 🤗🤗
helenS · 36-40, F
I've never been in a really bad one, only in a boring one, as a teenage girl. 😐
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quitwhendone · M
@helenS If you want a good catch, go fishing.
CuteButPsycho · 26-30, F
So how do you know if you catch the big one?@quitwhendone
quitwhendone · M
@CuteButPsycho The big fish or the right, but man?
Platinum · M
Never been in a bad relationship, been with my wife for 60 years and all my early girl friends were good....

The one with myself mostly
nedkelly · 61-69, M
None, I have a very special wife
plungesponge · 41-45, M
All of them

A physically abusive relationship with my ex.
CuteButPsycho · 26-30, F
Hugs to everyone xxxx@SW-User
quitwhendone · M
@SW-User Very sorry to read that. 🤗

@CuteButPsycho thank you @quitwhendone 🤗
A 10 year relationship with an alcohol abuser whom I loved...
Montanaman · M
First marriage. HS sweetheart. Married too young, but I've got two beautiful daughters 🥰

With my ex. Emotionally volatile.

@SW-User 🤗🤗
quitwhendone · M
@SW-User Very sorry that happened to you. 🤗

All of em 🥴
CuteButPsycho · 26-30, F
Now that’s what I call bad luck@SW-User

@CuteButPsycho silly choices
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calicuz · 56-60, M
Chemically dependent relationship with my ex
SirenCalledLuce · F
A compulsive liar, who couldn’t see past his own wants and needs, and who had no idea how hurtful he could be.

Only was in one real serious relationship. It ended kinda badly.
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
I've been lucky and managed to avoid them... So far!

Few to name a few

Being ghosted isn’t very pleasant
'twas with my first boyfriend (now an ex) because he told me several times that he doesn't really know if he loves me or not. One of the worst things he did was when cheated on me with his one of his coworkers. They did have a sex but he told me is staying late at work.
CuteButPsycho · 26-30, F
Mine was an emotionally and mentally abusive relationship with my ex and I’m convinced that he was a sociopath

@CuteButPsycho 🤗🤗
PaleandPolluted · 36-40, F
First boyfriend possibly. Porn addict who would play porn at college in front of me. Used to look up women when I was sat there. Only gave oral 3 times made me say thank you. Classic case of treating someone nice until you got them.
helenS · 36-40, F
@PaleandPolluted "made me say thank you.
— 😳 !!!
— 😳 !!!
PaleandPolluted · 36-40, F
@helenS I know. All my relationships were crap
ReneeT · 61-69, F
Someone who was going out with another behind my back, tried to commit suicide and then told me that it wasn't my fault.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
When I was 8 I was together with most of my class. Since we were children it didnt mean anything besides me being cute. It was basically an ego trip, but this one time I got the class's prettiest girl and she demanded me to be her slave. I just ignored her 😆
CuteButPsycho · 26-30, F
Hold up why couldn’t you play in the play-yard in the break? 🤔@MartinTheFirst
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@CuteButPsycho she wanted me to do something but like I said I didn't listen
CuteButPsycho · 26-30, F
I didn’t always do as told either 😅@MartinTheFirst
RaemaSnr · 26-30, F
Trying to love a narcissist. I set myself and my esteem on fire to keep him. Never again.
Atlotto · M
She tried to kill me. I have the stab wounds to prove it.
CuteButPsycho · 26-30, F
Omg that’s horrible @Atlotto
Montanaman · M
@Atlotto 😬
Atlotto · M
@CuteButPsycho Well it wasn't a fun date.
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CuteButPsycho · 26-30, F
Aww poor thing 🤗@Johnblackthorn
Johnblackthorn · 56-60, M
@CuteButPsycho thanks. You just have to put some things in the past.
PirateMonkeyCabinet · 36-40, M
Torn between two of them.
First relationship I had. She cheated after a week, I naively gave her a new chance. She left me for someone else after about 3-4 months.
Some years later I was in a 5 year long relationship with a vegetarian (noting that I am not one). I have nothing against vegetarians per se, but this led to so many situations, conflicts, frictions with family and friends, and having to sacrifice far more than I should have. It lasted many years longer than it should have.
First relationship I had. She cheated after a week, I naively gave her a new chance. She left me for someone else after about 3-4 months.
Some years later I was in a 5 year long relationship with a vegetarian (noting that I am not one). I have nothing against vegetarians per se, but this led to so many situations, conflicts, frictions with family and friends, and having to sacrifice far more than I should have. It lasted many years longer than it should have.