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Faust76 · 46-50, M
We always want what we can't have. Well, not always, but... Although I have to admit that's too simplistic response, I think somewhere I argued passionately that's the truth.
You have to admit though, we all (try to) get the best that we can get. I think sometimes that misfires into actually wanting what we can't get.
You have to admit though, we all (try to) get the best that we can get. I think sometimes that misfires into actually wanting what we can't get.
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BeefySenpie · M
It's all about that chase
Bass was the wrong word in that song 😂
Bass was the wrong word in that song 😂
Ungrateful behavior. We hold tight to good times and are in a state of panic when something feels negative and out of our control. Some people take someone's love as a given and think it's going to stay no matter what happens (even if they're going to be ignored forever)
If someone truly believed otherwise, they'd act like it
If someone truly believed otherwise, they'd act like it
angel143 · 36-40, F
@SW-User true
I do to the first part and nah to the second lol ✨🥂
Mmhmm ask yourself how are they doing .... life goes on for them so life goes on for you. Simple @angel143
angel143 · 36-40, F
@SW-User yeah life goes on. We should just go with the flow and love those who loves us. Rest, may be they dont deserve us.
Exactly 😜@angel143
looking4thesun · M
just a cruel fact of life.. woman especially sometimes don't see what is right in front of them.. but then maybe men are the same
daydeeo · 61-69, M
Maybe we're looking for the wrong things: tall, dark, rich, and handsome instead of loving, sensitive, and kind.