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Guys are never interested in me

I am super sad and depressed. I am 24 and guys never show interest in me. I've also never had a boyfriend before or dated. I've tried showing interest in a few guys but they never were interested in me back. Why am I so cursed? I feel forever alone and that no guys ever like me, I am always ignored and unnoticed by men. I thought by now, I would have had a relationship at my age but no guys ever seem to want me. It's like I am a guy repellant. I don't even get catcalled thats how much I go unnoticed by men. And before someone asks, I am not fat. I am 5'5 and weigh 127 lbs. I am extremely worried that I will be 30 and still be single. I am tired of crying in my room at night over this... I don't know what is making guys not be interested in me?
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If you keep thinking negative that no one is gonna come at you, then it will always be like that. You need to change your mindset.
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xixgun · M
I guarantee that someone is interested, whether you know it or not.
JimminyChristmas · 56-60, M
@xixgun Exactly what I was thinking.
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BearDownChicago · 41-45, M
I'm sure it's not you. I am hoping situational. Wrong place right time. Right place wrong time. Maybe people are intimidated by you or nervous round you. Never know. Stay positive. The right person will be round the corner
Lanyx · 41-45, M
I dont know you. I cant give you a genuine, non-generic answer. Every person is different; every person has different aspitations.
I am open to talk to you privately. Feel free to PM me.
so far I'm not picking up on a reason for them not approaching you. Do you make yourself approachable? Are you a nice person or do you keep them away with an attitude?
eMortal · M
Here's an experiment I usually recommend. Put in it in the corner somewhere, turn it on and ignore it. Let it roll for maybe an hour while you attend your regular business. The idea is to get the camera to capture you when you're not paying attention or pausing.
Most people don't like what they see in that video. But the thing is, that exactly how the your friends see you. It's up to you if you want to the things you don't like (assuming it's doable.)
DamnFeelz · 36-40, F
Hobbies help.
AllelujahHaptism · 36-40, M
Are you quite withdrawn?
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Zonuss · 46-50, M
This is a fake . People don't fall for this. 🤭
Dan193 · 31-35, M
Are u a mean bitch? Tht's a repellant

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