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Boyfriend help please!

I want to go to university to do a degree in nursing.

I live with my boyfriend and he says he doesn't want me to because then we won't have any time together, so if I look at universities I should also look for accommodation to move out.

Is it just me or is this controlling? He says it's not controlling and it's realistic?
Carazaa · F Best Comment
It is a beautiful thing to be an independent woman! Ask God what is best for you, and do it. If you want an education do it. I got education and I can live anywhere, and pay my own bills. I like it that way. Get the book "Discover what you're best at" And take the assessments in that book and it will tell you which professions are best for you. At the back of the book are all the professions in the world and they revise the book yearly. Its a great book to get!

Rocknrod · 61-69, M
Honey get rid of him. If he can't support you wanting to better your self then get move on. If you don't move on you will regret it later in life.
Memez · 31-35, F
Just to update you all - I have broken up with him 🌞.

I'm free!
@Memez Okay, now get out there and do the things that you want to do
KingofPizza2 · 36-40, M
@Memez Congratulations! Definitely the right call!
curiosi · 61-69, F
I am aware that love is so broad and wide it defies explanation. However, a very short and abbreviated yet thorough definition is thus................The willingness to sacrifice for the growth of another.
He doesn't click that box and sounds very needy and controlling.
KingofPizza2 · 36-40, M
Yeah look for those accommodations for sure... someone like that is not worth staying with, even for the money
DwayneLungu · 26-30, M
You need a new guy or maybe just stay single for a while
He's holding you back... look for accommodation, too.
Move out and play the field!
He's being selfish and controlling. If he cared about you he'd support your choice of career and stay with you and enjoy the time together outside of your lectures and study.
Success · 26-30, F
Did he forbid it? If not, he's just expressing dismay and needs reassurance. Seek and discuss ways to attend school while maintaining the relationship.
SweetMae · 70-79, F
That sounds very controlling to me. Please think about not letting this opportunity pass you by.
heywood83 · M
A relationship isn't about what one person wants. He's being controlling and selfish. Leave his ass.
Do what you want to do, it's your life, and any man who cares about you would want you to be happy
He’s selfish and controlling. Anyone who cared about you would want you to have your future, knowing you could be together after you achieved it. Get out of there before you end up really trapped.
Yaz69 · 36-40, M
U have your own mind, decide Wat you want to do and go for it.
okaybut · 56-60, M
Fuck him....time to let the ass go.
Peppa · 31-35, F
Get your degree end of
Like2play · M
Go and do as y put want.
Memez · 31-35, F
We have been together now for three years... I don't see a long term future with him, it just financially makes sense to be with him right now :/
fortycreek · M
@Memez well then you need to move on for sure then
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BigGuy2 · 26-30, M
Very controlling

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