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What would you do if your lover lied to you just to get you

And later your lover says the truth that u can't even imagine of, when she ensures that you totally fall for her and can't live without her.How would you handle it?
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Dealt with this recently. I offered a second chance to hear her out but more lies followed after that. Honestly this sounds too simplistic, but I had to let go. I can’t be giving someone my time, loyalty and heart and have them not meet me in the middle with the same amount of respect and loyalty. If there is no trust, there is no relationship. Better to cut cords than try to build on unstable foundation.
Danny54268 · 26-30, M
@SW-User I'm in the same situation atm
Sorry to hear that man.If you ever need someone to talk to, feel free to shoot me a message whenever. @Danny54268
rckt148 · 61-69, M
My first wife told my parents she was pregnant
it was 2 yrs before out first Daughter was born
I am sure the longest pregnancy on record LOL

But I was a minor ,she was 18 ,but we wanted to be married
Mom made me join the service so I could support my family
and they took me to Georgia ,and signed so we could marry ,both parents had to sign ,they did
I actually believed her ,I was kind of happy to learn she lied
Silverwings · 70-79, F
@rckt148 How did she explain when her belly did not swell?
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@Silverwings We were married long before that would have been a give away
She actually went through the change of life at 24 after our 3rd daughter was born ,they left after birth in her
after a DNC her ovaries stopped working and her Uterus collapsed ,she needed to go on Estrogen therapy ,no more babies ,,but we have 3 ,I am sure that was enough for her
But I had a place ,she just wanted to force the issue of us being married
He Mom was religious and pushing the issue we were "Shacking Up "
So when we married ,we didn't tell her right off
She comes telling us a bird told her but wouldn't say who
Her Dad was disabled ,so all of his kids received checks (we never seen a dime of them or the food stamps her Mom drew ) I supported us
The birdy was when her check didn't come and she called Social Security to find out why ,,and they told her "she married "
As soon as I turned 17 I was shipped off to boot camp
She moved in with Mom and Dad (I wanted someone to keep an eye on her ,she was very pretty ,I didn't want someone stealing my woman )
also the reason I was happy she did what she did ,I was tired of fighting guys wanting my woman ,I wanted to be able to say "leave her be ,she is my wife "
NeuroticByNature · 41-45, F
Gonna have to be more specific about this.
There’s no one thing a person could tell me that would seal the deal. It would take time and observing them in various situations.
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@bijouxbroussard I myself was young and wanting to be tricked
She scared the crap out of me .and Mom who hated kids
"Oh no ,not another screaming rug rat I have to beat " she was hell on kids
Enjoy the sex while I could
Danny54268 · 26-30, M
@Seren lol

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