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wildbill83 · 41-45, M
People like to pretend that it doesn't matter, but it does; varying ethnicities/religions tend to have widely varying & conflicting personalities that don't bode well in relationships
And those who seek them out intentionally tend to be pretty shallow (they just emulate whoever they're with at the moment rather than be their own person)
And those who seek them out intentionally tend to be pretty shallow (they just emulate whoever they're with at the moment rather than be their own person)
naturefarmer · 41-45, M
@wildbill83 very well put.
Embracing the racial and relgious differences is very hard. It is much easire said than done.
Those who do it are much better people than i am.
Embracing the racial and relgious differences is very hard. It is much easire said than done.
Those who do it are much better people than i am.
CoffeeFirst · 56-60, F
Race and religion don't matter to me. If the person is open to my beliefs, I am open to theirs. I draw the line at politics, however. I could not live with someone who was far right/conservative in this day and age because I just don't understand that.
naturefarmer · 41-45, M
@CoffeeFirst Extremist views are not easy to live with and make things difficult. On the other most people have principles on which they would not compromise, however, will not hurt others either. They have a better and balanced approach to social life.
GlitterBug · 22-25, F
I consider both political association and religion but it's never a deciding factor. I couldnt be with someone having opposite political views especially if they were very passionate about the disagreement. I'm not religious and don't mind if my partner is but they won't force me into their religion, I won't tolerate it. Do your thing, praise your god, leave me out of it and kiss me when you leave for church. I'd even pray with them at dinner if they'd like. Not much more. Race is a stupid thing to care about in this day and age but I do think about it. For example, the cultural differences in our families. Otherwise it doesn't matter at all.
I don’t really care about race but religion and political beliefs are definitely a factor
naturefarmer · 41-45, M
@SW-User why religion and political beliefs?
@naturefarmer because the person I could live with is above those two
naturefarmer · 41-45, M
@SW-User True.
Political association seems to be a big thing, I HATE politics so when someone asks me about it...It usually gets ugly and they stop talking to me. 😂 As long as someone ain't shoving their beliefs down my throat I don't really care given him and I get along well.
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@naturefarmer I tried talking to a guy who was SUPER liberal and when he found out about my stance on shit it went down hill from there. Its big, bigger than it needs to be sadly.
naturefarmer · 41-45, M
@Snowvixen well people need to f...learn to accept others. What an ass he was.
@naturefarmer seems to be a failing concept for more people, yeah he was. aside from the political shit we got along.
I'm open to whoever Is honest
BeefySenpie · M
Don't care about race
It depends. I'm mostly attracted to people closer to my own ethnicity but there are exceptions. Religious beliefs don't have to be the same as long as there is mutual respect for each others views
Chevy454 · 46-50, M
Race. It depends. Religion. I think all religions pretty much suck. As long as they don’t drag me into it, that’s fine. Politics. As long as we’re not polar opposites, that’s fine.
ImperialAerosolKidFromEP · 51-55, M
Why the slash? My policies on dating race and religion are completely different
FeetAreFantastic · 41-45, M
I don't care and I'm open to any, as long as they are open minded and respectful of differences.