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Why is it that when it comes to purposals people tend to go after/get angry at the person who rejects it?

(Wanted to ask this about a week or two ago but im just now getting to it.) It's like all these people don't know your life, and they literally could call you a 'heartless person or curse you out...espesially (At least from a few stories I've heard both from people and online.) if the guy/girl dosen't take it well.

Not to mention, I feel like this predicament ends up making some more undesirable/sad things to take place...because of people being this way with public purposals people feel obligated to say yes when the other pops the question in front of all these when they do say yes, they then have to tell the other person that they really don't or arnt ready...which causes more problems sometimes.

Thing is though is that these people have this have this unconcieved notion about you wether you like it or not tbh. Sure maybe the guy/girl is pretty or cute or handsome...but don't these logical ideas/reasons ever come into people's mind that maybe "Oh that person must not be ready." Or "Perhaps these two barely met" or whatever...

I'm a genuine, honest person myself though and I would like to be honest and transparent with the other party so I would let them know either way...and it'd be the same If I was the person purposing...i'd want that person to be completely honest and transparent with me as if the answers 'No' I'd want them to hit me with it right then and there...not when there's no one around and not when we reach the privacy of our homes, I want it now.

It's better to find out now, then to have been told yes and get a slap to the face when it's a no.

Let me know what you think though.

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