funloving1 · 18-21, M
Do something they wouldn't think you would do. Relationships can be a lot of work, but it's worth it.
You keep adding cinnamon
NeloAngelo · 26-30, M
Weird and wonderful Wednesdays.
put a bunch of nice pleasant things to do in a hat and an equal number of creepy f'ked up shit in as well. every Wednesday you pick one until you eventually run out and then restock em.
they can range from mundane movies and cuddle night to holy fk kinky night. ;)
put a bunch of nice pleasant things to do in a hat and an equal number of creepy f'ked up shit in as well. every Wednesday you pick one until you eventually run out and then restock em.
they can range from mundane movies and cuddle night to holy fk kinky night. ;)