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Carazaa · F
Why can't x's be friends? I don't get all these remarks of "No" why not?
Newman · 26-30, M
Yes it’s just to be on good terms because it ended with me swearing at her. I don’t want her back but don’t want to be on bad terms@Carazaa

rckt148 · 61-69, M
my ex and I just made up last week after 7 yrs
But I left her alone and gave her time to miss me

I don't know how you 2 are

I sent my ex wife $100.00 roses for her birthday right after she left ,,I hear they ended up in the trash

I remember all my ex's birthdays ,,but I leave them be unless they want me back in their lives

I know how that is too ,to have an ex that won't just let it go

but now that were speaking again ,,I bet my ex would like a card from me ,,,,but I waited ,until she missed me too
I would say it entirely depends on the kind of breakup. For instance, if domestic violence was involved, any contact could be interpreted as a threat. (Not saying that’s the case, just as an example).

If you ended the relationship, she might interpret the card as an attempt to re-open negotiations.

Don’t make it an all I miss you & I want you back plea. (Even if that’s true.) Keep it light, and I don’t see why it would be a problem.
Newman · 26-30, M
I did give her verbal abuse called her a slut etc for cheating well might be cheating because she chose another guy over me who she had been talking to behind my back but I feel bad for all The swears I gave her . I don’t want to get back with her but I don’t want to stay on bad terms@Mamapolo2016
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
Hahaha good question. I sent mine a birthday cake randomly.

Edit: I read in one of the comments asking would the author send it if she had a bf and a kid?

Well I sent it knowing she was single and I wanted to do it because she did a lot for me
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
Let it go. If she broke up with you it’s the last thing she wants. Well really either way she doesn’t want one.
destinyfabulous · 36-40, F
Would u still be sending her a card if she had a bf and a kid?
Carazaa · F
That is a nice thing to do!
I feel like that's a waste.

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