Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
Thanks for that information

go for it and enjoy the feeling
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Quizzical · 46-50, M
Been there, done that. Not much difference really, lol
ekwalizur · 41-45, M
But it's not really dating that you want,vis it?
eMortal · M
They like curves I've heard.
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midnightsun · 26-30, M
Zeuro · 26-30, F
crystalkid · 56-60, T

I'm sure a lot of black guys would love to have you
TornPaperDolls · M
I think black guys usually are more attractive than white guys, but not always.
paulapril · 26-30, F
id only date an upper class black guy, the hood (aka most) ones act like rappers (cheat, just use u for sex, aggressive tendency)
Zeuro · 26-30, F
@infiniterealism is that what it’s called??
paulapril · 26-30, F
@Zeuro omg im so sorry but that is so rich hehehehe that is what u get for messin with blacks like i learned .-.
i mean rap as in that hood mentality that has infested the mainstream via rap songs about popularizing cheating and other scummy behaviors. and the truth is its not just blacks just generally men from the hood act scummy its just most african americans come from the hood or have that hood mentality
i mean rap as in that hood mentality that has infested the mainstream via rap songs about popularizing cheating and other scummy behaviors. and the truth is its not just blacks just generally men from the hood act scummy its just most african americans come from the hood or have that hood mentality
infiniterealism · 56-60, M
@paulapril You are right.
Fernie · F
Yep...white boys are all small,pink and veiny....not attractive
Fernie · F
@infiniterealism An do you know how many white weenies I have seen?
infiniterealism · 56-60, M
@Fernie you are assuming I am white haha.
Fernie · F
@infiniterealism don't be an ass...why would a black man make the comments you've're all pissed because I insulted your white weenie...and please stop laughing at everything you say...not funny
Spokeskitties75 · 46-50, M
Well.... sucks to be me then!!
infiniterealism · 56-60, M
Pick one with a big dick.

Shut up, slut.
Sexycurvy · 36-40, F
@SW-User nope