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they don't have any real qualities to offer you, or society or the world. The fundamental reason why there is a patriarchy is because power will always belong not to the person who seeks it but the person who possesses the qualities to wield it. lets think through this logically as men, shall we? We enjoy the respect attained from doing noble acts in spheres of new discoveries, advancements, sacrifice, war, medicine, engineering, crafts, chemistry, security, leadership, politics etc while women enjoy looking beautiful, emotional validation, putting on make-up and seducing men. LOL. Their focus is on petty Cinderella fantasies while we focus on society issues. They are biologically wired to feel validated out of how much other people are willing to offer to them while we are wired to take pleasure in having the potential to offer what we have to other people. We feel good to have alot to give while they feel good when they have alot to take. They take pleasure in "self" While we take pleasure in being "selfless". AND You ask why their is a patriarchy? simple answer. prof Williams quote,"power will not surrender itself nor can it be sustained in the hands of the one that merely has a desire for it but one who possesses qualities worthy of wielding it and sustaining it.fundamentally you don't choose power but power chooses you just as survival chooses the fittest and weeds out the unfit"

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MGTOW (“Men Going Their Own Way”) is a statement of self-ownership and self-determination that declares only I have the right to decide what my goals in life should be. It is saying that, as a man I will not surrender my personal will to the social expectations of women or society that have become hostile to masculinity who prefer utility-based roles for men as servants. MGTOW is a way of life that refuses to defer to women or society in defining the worth of men. Instead, it focuses on positive male aspects, inviting men to go their own way in life.

Throughout history the vast majority of great art, music, science, literature, mathematics and technology was produced by men who would today be classed as MGTOW. Following are observations of the MGTOW movement:

• The MGTOW movement is leaderless, does not defer to women/social expectations to define our worth, and live according to our best interests
• MGTOW is international in scope and is constantly growing
• MGTOWs have left the plantation and actively urge other men to do likewise

Things MGTOWs are not:

•Expendable containers used for their “fix this, fix that” value
•Sex object sperm donor for reproduction purposes
•A convenient Protector or Provider
•Walking, talking ATM machines
JovialPlutonian · 36-40, M
Are you saying men are powerful because they're so giving? That is the most stupid thing I've ever heard. There are plenty of women that do what they can to give to others and there are plenty of men that try to obtain power by taking from others.
Ewitsu · F
You obviously have women issues

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