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DrAKhanna · 36-40, M
Get him in a car then talk to him.

Cboohoo · 41-45, F
Totally normal phase it can last from 1day to 20 years spill out how you feel in a diary leave it where he can find it. Men always think we're hiding some thing let him find it
Jiraiya429 · 31-35, M
Hahaha.. Good one ;)
SteelHands · 61-69, M
Women never hide anything from their guy. That's a old wifes tale.
Cboohoo · 41-45, F
Picklebobble · 56-60, M
It's not like he doesn't care. But beyond trying to take care of basics, he probably thinks that his life is making sure you're happy.
That means you stop thinking so much about your own emotional state.
Granted. It does look like he doesn't know or doesn't care!
But maybe in his mind life is hard enough without having to have all that repressed stuff so close to the surface.
Yes he does think life is just wonderful to him. we been together four years already and it seems like he just does not have a emotional side. He's very nice is always right home after work never goes out and drinks. I just wonder why he never has anything to say. Never interested unless we do things that make him happy. I am a woman I don't want to talk cars and play games all the time, but I do cause it makes him happy, but I don't get the same treatment back :/
katielass · F
find a Bf with a nice car and see if he's interested. Just kidding, but it is a thought.
Jiraiya429 · 31-35, M
Top reasons:

1) It might take time for him to open up to you. This might be because of things he has kept hidden inside of him. You may try talking of his friends and relatives about what are his likes and dislikes and his childhood, college days etc. You might get clues to why he behaves the way he does.

2) He might not be too much into you. I know its painful to deal with this one. Reasons might be he doesnt like your looks, desires for some other qualities in a woman etc. However with time these reasons will be overcome and love will prevail!

3) He is with another woman. You know your options for this one ;)

There could be other reasons as well.. These are the top ones. All the best!
I know he comes from a not so perfect childhood. I know he has secrets. But you would figure that by now he would have expressed them. I am the one to settle him down. I don't think it's because I am ugly or else he wouldn't have had bought me a house and married me and have had a baby lol. It's just weird he does not talk and sometimes I feel like his best friend not a wife
SteelHands · 61-69, M
Ask him if he wants to be married anymore. Then when he starts asking you questions it's your turn to shut up. Look him in the eye like you know something. Brace yourself. You're not going to like what he says.
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
Was he like this before you married him? Where did you meet, at a car show?
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
Sounds like motorcycles and cars are the areas he feels comfortable talking in. Some men are just not emotionally expressive. If he's the same age as you are, or older, he's not going to change. You'll have to look for emotional connections with women friends. Or decide that this marriage is just not satisfying for you.
Grrr I'm so bored lol, I love the guy and four years is a long time to end a marriage. I guess I was just hoping to get a little more attention. I know I changed a lot for him and he just stayed the same. I'm afraid I will start to resent him because after our child i gave up a lot! my income, bikes, cars and friends in order to raise a kid and make him happy and I can't even get a simple your pretty or how was your day. But you are right I need to do some thinking
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
A friend of mine married after a 3 month engagement and a huge fancy church wedding. 6 weeks later he was filing for divorce. I asked him what went wrong with his marriage. He said, "It went on too long."

A few years later, he married again. It's 30 years later now and he's still with her and happy.

There are no exact time tables. You have given up a lot and invested a lot. So now the question is: How much more do you want to give up and invest?

You have a child and that is an important bond. Remember that how you interact with him will be what your daughter learns to expect or how your son thinks a man should act with his wife.

Jane Wyman, Ronald Reagan's first wife said she divorced him because he was "boring." So if you decide to cut your losses,and split, you'll be in good company; Wyman was a fine and successful actress.

Best of luck whatever you decide. These situations are never easy.
What a lil bitch.

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