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Do you mind if I ask what kind of break-up hurt you so bad?

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abooklover · 56-60, F
The ones where I believed everything they told me and trusted them, with everything including my heart.
SavingPrivateHannah · 51-55, F
@abooklover I know where you're coming from.
Viper · M
An heart breaking one that caused immediately and emergency change... and sadly our relationship was one of the changes.
SavingPrivateHannah · 51-55, F
Nothing is permanent but change...@Viper
Viper · M
@SavingPrivateHannah death is pretty permanent too

But I get your point, the problem wasn't change itself though, it was that the change was so huge and happen so fast... 😢

To adjust to it people had to make a lot of subconscious split seconds decision... and they didn't go the way I had hoped.
SavingPrivateHannah · 51-55, F
@Viper It happens, always giving me a jaw-dropping moment...but life goes on.
Seabird · 36-40, F
My first love was an attention seeker he even broke the law and would steal from stores and schools... He never got caught... I wasted and gave him 5 solid teenage years.. I regret ever wasting a day on this punk... I fell in love with his Viking body and brown eyes...
SavingPrivateHannah · 51-55, F
@Seabird The expetience may have contributed alot later in your adult life.
I was in my 20’s. He and I were not good for each other and we liked one another since the 7th grade. I always loved him, but he was unhappy and angry with his life. It shattered to know that I wasn’t the one for him.
SavingPrivateHannah · 51-55, F
@MissMollyCharlotte0702 I wish that you find the love that you seek so your heart will glow forevermore.
I’m married. Been married nearly 17 years. I don’t hurt for that other guy anymore. @SavingPrivateHannah
SavingPrivateHannah · 51-55, F
@MissMollyCharlotte0702 so great to hear!
I had an affair. I thought it purely physical. It got really complicated..... Anyway when I finally broke up with her I realised it was actually much deeper than I'd imagined and that hurt a lot.
SavingPrivateHannah · 51-55, F
@SW-User Read it. You're not on the same boat. Love is letting go, not ruining the person.
@SavingPrivateHannah interesting pov I know more of was the right thing for her and long term
SavingPrivateHannah · 51-55, F
@SW-User you still had good intention in the end though she didn't.
Kerrmit84 · 41-45, M
The one who I had given everything to at the expense of my own health and well being who couldn't be there for me when I needed her support. I realised what she saw me as and I got out.
SavingPrivateHannah · 51-55, F
@Kerrmit84 some people are not adept in taking care of a relationship.
Kerrmit84 · 41-45, M
@SavingPrivateHannah I think that was the case with her. Maybe I did too much to try to help which made her not bother
plungesponge · 41-45, M
The kind you believed in, that made you believe in other things, it's always those ones that change everything
SavingPrivateHannah · 51-55, F
@plungesponge I wasn't easy.
GlitterBug · 22-25, F
Mine wasn’t a break up exactly, it was a death.
SavingPrivateHannah · 51-55, F
@GlitterBug sorry
Left me for someone better.
SavingPrivateHannah · 51-55, F
@SW-User hoping you're with a better one too.
Imsleepy · 31-35
I had one in 9th grade that shattered my soul.
SavingPrivateHannah · 51-55, F
@Imsleepy but revive your spirit now that you're a grown-up.
Losing the girl I loved the most
SavingPrivateHannah · 51-55, F
been there...losing someone though we don't want to.
Breaking up with junk was pretty rough.
SavingPrivateHannah · 51-55, F
@HungJury I can guess...

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