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Do you think the first impression tells a lot about a person always ?

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Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
Usually I’m spot on. I have been wrong a couple of times but I get a feeling in my gut and it’s usually right.
Platinum · M
I'm nicer when people get to know
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
Different people make you more comfortable? I can understand that.@Platinum
Platinum · M
@Keepitsimple exactly....
In my experience, for the few times I've had a really bad first impression of a person and then for whatever reason my mind was swayed and I thought better of them, it has always happened that I ended up regretting my decision, my gut instinct was always right.
LyricalOne · F
Not everything but yes, a lot.
It can, but it can also tell the impressed what they're projecting onto that person.
Not always. It could be that person is just having a bad day, and showing it.
Montanaman · M
99.9% of the time.👍🤗
KyleTX · M
Not for real.

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