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ImRileyTheDog · 22-25, F
I think you pretty much got the definition butbit can mean something else to someone else
Vampireloveless · 26-30, F
@ImRileyTheDog yeah that's what I'm trying to find out lol
ImRileyTheDog · 22-25, F
@Vampireloveless To me it’s a male version of a slut, not a player but slut/hoe/escort.
Vampireloveless · 26-30, F
Hmmm so if a guy says we would be that then he is pimping himself out XD
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
Vampireloveless · 26-30, F
@TheRascallyOne yeah he kinda is just a toy XD

A fwb.
A boy toy is a young woman who usually has older male partners.
A toy boy is the opposite. A young male who has older female partners.
It should be noted that since these terms were invented, homosexuality has become accepted so I assume the older person can be either sex now haha
A toy boy is the opposite. A young male who has older female partners.
It should be noted that since these terms were invented, homosexuality has become accepted so I assume the older person can be either sex now haha

From what I understand, it's just a guy you find hot and are with him mostly for the sex.
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Vampireloveless · 26-30, F
@AgapeLove XD not that guy