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AprilBaby042 · 36-40, F
Not a chance now. In my childless years I attempted it and my future is better because I can't afford to give up on my career and future as its more than my career and future I would be giving up on. The costs are too great now.

Make sure that it is an abiding love then. How does one give up one's future? One always has one.
@SW-User Then where did your comment come from?
@PoetryNEmotion my exaggerated thinking when I imagine failure
@SW-User You mustn't think of only what is a disaster. Love is not that way. When it is true, it sings more than you could ever imagine.
I did, it turned out great at the time, but not at the end.
@SW-User It was great in that i was with the girl i loved so much and also changed into what i thought was going to be a promising career. It ended after 20 years with a combination of divorce and her long term cancer then death.
@SW-User that sounds awful. Hope you are alright
@SW-User I think i will be once i can figure out how to move on.
I'd love to say no but I have done it too many times already so i'd be lying
@PinkPowerRanger did it pay off?
@SW-User in a way, all mistakes to learn from
Monroe · 36-40, F
Depends what that person has to offer.
curiosi · 61-69, F
Not a chance.
@curiosi good
Xuan12 · 31-35, M
For an INTEREST? No. At a minimum it would have to be someone I'm already deeply connected with, and for a good reason.
@Xuan12 blah let's say it's someone who you've known for a half your life but wouldn't do the same for you
RoxClymer · 41-45, M
I don't have a career but otherwise change my whole life
for a love interest- if it was true love, it would be a possibility
I never got love so I would just focus on career and goals
SweetMae · 70-79, F
No, I would not.
JustNik · 51-55, F
@MartinTheFirst I love how ridiculous my questions sound when they come from a place of hurt :/
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@SW-User :(

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