Faust76 · 46-50, M
That's a bit odd in that I don't think I've even seen it to be generally true. If it was like that, every woman would have luxurious long hair, but it seems like shorter hair is the rule more than exception, and MANY men rank shorter hair as attractive.
So I sort of feel like rating this as myth/untrue. There are of course things like Rapunzel which enforce this myth though, but it's telling in truth her hair wouldn't be practical or all that attractive.
That notwithstanding that I actually LOVE long hair myself. First of all, it's feminine, one of the strongest signals. Many women, particularly these days, would be almost indistinguishable from men if it weren't for hair. Secondly, it's very aesthetic and sensual to brush or play with if you ever get the chance; one of the more intimate things you can do even with clothes on. And speaking of that, ahem yeah, the way it frames certain female and even on occasion male features is just exquisite. Younger girls often sport shorter hair, possibly inspired by various Disney princesses, so not only are many men's defining experiences with long hair, but it carries the air of youth and vitality. Implications of health and socioeconomic status might play a little part, too, subconsciously.
So I sort of feel like rating this as myth/untrue. There are of course things like Rapunzel which enforce this myth though, but it's telling in truth her hair wouldn't be practical or all that attractive.
That notwithstanding that I actually LOVE long hair myself. First of all, it's feminine, one of the strongest signals. Many women, particularly these days, would be almost indistinguishable from men if it weren't for hair. Secondly, it's very aesthetic and sensual to brush or play with if you ever get the chance; one of the more intimate things you can do even with clothes on. And speaking of that, ahem yeah, the way it frames certain female and even on occasion male features is just exquisite. Younger girls often sport shorter hair, possibly inspired by various Disney princesses, so not only are many men's defining experiences with long hair, but it carries the air of youth and vitality. Implications of health and socioeconomic status might play a little part, too, subconsciously.
Rambler · 61-69, M
It's seen as feminine and beautiful.
TonyPajamas · 22-25
It’s pretty
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
It's a Anthropological thing that harks back to our Stone-age days when women with long hair were thought of as more fertile and beautiful.
Nerdsmith · 51-55, M
I think it's the male's first attraction to females. It seems common, and it was true in my case, that boys want to play with girls hair from a very early age. Before I had any idea of sexuality and attraction, I sure wanted to tug on girls hair or twirl it or cut it, etc. It was fascinating to watch them play with as well. Biologically, it is one of the marks of a healthy potential mate and hard-wired into us to see as attractive.
KingofPizza2 · 36-40, M
They think it looks nice? Why do people like the way anything looks?
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SpaceCreature · 26-30, F
Something to hold on to when having sex.
Sowji · 31-35, F
@SpaceCreature I doubt that's all they want it for
SpaceCreature · 26-30, F
@Sowji no shit
RemovedUsername608042 · 41-45, M
Long hair, especially near or below the waist is one of my biggest turn ons. It is soft, fun to feel and play with. But why it is sexually arousing to me I don't know. Really wish I could explain it.
Itsmrsockmonkey · M
It's a woman's glory
Probably each man/boy sees something that he likes, piques their interest in the woman/girl, or like me, looks at how long hair often complements an attractive face.

it is very feminine and it has some magical attraction. it is mesmerizing. Especially when it is swinging. the best example is when you are with a pony tail and walking or running and the hair is swinging left to right OMG I literally can not resist that it is almost like showing off some naked part of the body or even better in some ways because it is not just sexual it is hitting on a deeper level
Batman · 41-45, M
Something to pull on!
It has nothing to do with me.. I find myself liking girls with short hair aswell
froggtongue · M
I love long hair on a girl and I can't really tell you why. Maybe because long hair is seen as a female quality. That's my best guess.

I don’t know
Tubbs · F
I don't know because I'm not a dude. But I'm attracted to girls with long hair because i think it's pretty
Mugin16 · 46-50, M
Beauty. Femninity.
fenomen02 · 46-50, M
i don't know as I am attracted by girls not by their hairs! LOL
wunderluv · 51-55, M
OMG! I can't quite figure how to express it but long full hair is so hot, SO SENSUAL! Some my favorite memories are of brushing my ex's best friend's hair for and massage their feet and legs!
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It enhances beauty of feminine, even shaven has sexy in it's own way. Which is your favorite my dear
I have hair that's passed my butt, and I get told not to cut it mostly by guys. It's hair just hanging there.
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