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I think about all of the bullshit they’ve put me through and carry on, enjoying the perks of being single.
Selah ·
I comfort myself by breaking up
whateverhappens · 26-30, F
Depends , if I didn't like the person much I'm out on the prowl the next day ,loved the person? Ignore the fact they broke up 😅
TAReturns · M
Food. Chocolate, bbq, whatever works. Diets do not apply the first 24 hours
Chocolate , doesn't judge you
chocolate, sleep, movies
What's a breakup?
What's a relationship?
What's a man?
What is life.....
What's a relationship?
What's a man?
What is life.....
Go out with my friends. New haircut, shoes...
nevergiveup · M
get depressed and eat crap.
MURD3RM0NK3Y · 26-30, M
Fuck another bitch
SunshineJ · 41-45, F
bijouxbroussard · F
Write really bad poetry, go out with friends, drink, play Chopin at all hours...