greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
You'll find out if you attend your 50th high school class reunion. By that time, people tell each other that stuff.
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
@greenmountaingal if they're not senile and/or haven't all died off by then... 😅
nem16 · 36-40, M
I knew,but I wasn't ready for all that back then.."sigh" I still wonder about them today tbh,not in that way just what they did/are doing with their lives.

I'd only want to know that if I were unhappy in my current life.
JustMags · 26-30
@SW-User Well then I'm glad you are happy in your current life :)

@JustMags Thanks 😊
CheshireCatalyst · 41-45, M
I doubt anyone did. I was pretty awful in those days.
TheotherAndy · 41-45, M
My first was an older girl who babysat me and my two younger adopted sisters when I was 12

There was one who ended up being a real creep, I get that she wasn’t the best looking or the smartest either, we had nothing in common and she liked me because she was desperate and thought I would be an easy catch for her as I was a social outcast. Long story short, we were at a party one weekend and everyone gave me crap about this girl crushing on me. She asked me and I politely told her that I wasn’t interested, she didn’t take that as a final answer, all night I was getting my arse groped, my package groped, and when I got too drunk and too stoned and finally passed out on the back lawn, I woke up to her on top of me “dry rooting” I screamed “rape”as loud as I could and everyone came out running to see it all. God knows what else she had done to me while I was passed out. This was when I was 16