LadyGrace · 70-79
When I think of love, I think of Jesus, because in my life, He is love personified. Love means He accepted me unconditionally, flaws and all.

Love is caring about what other people say when they open their heart to you. Love is unconditional and fruitful, passionate and insightful. Love is what animals show to each other and if they can ... we as civilians can it’s just a matter of choice.
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It’s something that’s in serious drought throughout my life and say I’m the skeletal livestock laying there watching the vultures circle.

Love is conditional.
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@SW-User :3
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lequack · 26-30, F
@SW-User I definitely don’t agree with this as my love is unconditional only. It is unconditional until it is abused, and I recognize that person is undeserving of such a beautiful thing from me.
I guess it's someone or something that ignites/channels your passion and gives a sense of purpose or belonging in life. For most and myself that's another person, there are different forms of love though.
Lostpoet · M
Love has no universal meaning.😱
I beleive in soul mates and all of that. Love makes all the b.s aspects of life manageable. I can deal with the job, family issues, car troubles, as long as on sunday me and my girl can go hiking or something and be together all day.
I beleive in soul mates and all of that. Love makes all the b.s aspects of life manageable. I can deal with the job, family issues, car troubles, as long as on sunday me and my girl can go hiking or something and be together all day.
in10RjFox · M
Actually it does have an universal meaning.. but just that it was not made a doctrine like other concepts.
Nature made each of us for another and not ourself. So love is to live with and for another. Love is to appreciate the speciality of another and augument life.. To love and to be loved are two different things.
Nature made each of us for another and not ourself. So love is to live with and for another. Love is to appreciate the speciality of another and augument life.. To love and to be loved are two different things.

consideration and forgiveness
jfox4anr · 46-50, M
Meeting your partners needs
Goralski · 56-60, M
Not havin ta leave a tip