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Why are women confusing?!?!?!

Spent the entire day with a lady in NYC. It was amazing. I went up just to be friends, no agenda. Simple talks turned to deep conversation quickly. We kept emphasizing it was just friends and not a date. Then when i leave, she hugs me really tight and holds it. Neither one wanted to let go. We ended up holding hands awkwardly. Then she dives in to kiss my cheek. Im a shy guy and dont just "make a move'" which she knows at this point. After she said "you dont want to leave do you?". I responded, "i really dont.." she knew i had to be back for work, no way out. We texted bacl and forth while i was on the train back. Its now been two weeks, have not heard a word. I sent her two msgs a few days apart. While there we had been talking about she was gonna be in my town in a few days, from now. Last msg was 3 days ago letting her know id be around and hope to see her. Wtf? Like there was an obvious connection and spark. Why do you ladies play these games? Seriously makes me lose any interest. Havent felt anything like that hug before and cannot get her off my mind. Did not want a gf and now im freaking out.
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metaldog · 51-55, F
Please don't dump all people into the one basket! That does sound awful and confusing and makes no sense
Magariz · 41-45, M
Doubt i ever will with my luck
metaldog · 51-55, F
@Magariz 🤗🤗🤗🐶🐶🐶
Magariz · 41-45, M
Miram · 31-35, F
I would stop messaging. If she replies and this is fixed, you are going to be the one always doing the chasing.

As to why she isn't contacting you, there are multiple possibilities.
Magariz · 41-45, M
@Miram thats what im thinking
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Magariz · 41-45, M
@MissAnonymous but how do i know thats what she really wants? And doesnt that count as playing games?
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Prettybrat · 26-30, F
Guys are like this too it's a unisex thing
Magariz · 41-45, M
@Prettybrat true. So shitty cuz i talk to anyone. Ill tell you of im not interested in anything.
Prettybrat · 26-30, F
@Magariz the good ones always get fkd over
Magariz · 41-45, M
@Prettybrat story of my life
Myzery · 41-45, F
Perhaps she wanted more, but since it was agreed that it would be "friends only" beforehand, she is afraid to keep a friendship knowing she will desire more. 🤷
But, yeah, dick move to say absolutely nothing and leave you hanging.
Selah ·
Mixed mesaages, mixed results.
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Magariz · 41-45, M
@deadroses dude?!
Ghosting isn't a woman thing. Sorry she's ignoring you though, that's really awful of her.
Magariz · 41-45, M
@SW-User just dont get it. Why initiate and hug like that and ghost? The goodbye hug was sp far from a just friends hug. That was a deep hug.
@Magariz maybe she changed her mind? maybe there's someone else. idk :(
Magariz · 41-45, M
@SW-User like i just dont know. W it was the first time just us. Met her through a friend, but i was not single then.
Prisoner69 · 26-30, M
Don't do it.
Magariz · 41-45, M
@Prisoner69 like wtf?! No im dealijg woth everypne telling me "you two are so cute together!!!"
You must know that for every woman who changes her mind, there are several guys who pursue a woman vigorously trying to get her number—and then don’t call. Why do those fellows do that ?
HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M
She has another guys dick in her mouth
HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M
@Magariz Maybe she was lying
Magariz · 41-45, M
@HannibalMontanimal how do you lie with a hug? An awkward one with no feeling is easy to spot.
HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M
@Magariz I meant what she said about not getting involved with people

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