As long as you're comfortable, you have the time and the resources, and you've planned it out to make sure you meet them in public to be safe, there's no reason you shouldn't (in my opinion).
Montanaman · M
@SW-User and take a friend with you the first meeting 👍😋
Kanimaz · 22-25, F
Thank you for the answer. I really have a bond with this guy and feel completly comfortable talking to him. I just wanna meet him eventually and wasnt sure if it was a bad idea ^-^
Comedy · 31-35, M
Only after you have proof they aren't a catfish, and never go alone.

at least three months

30 days
I have no clue the thought of that kind of freaks me out honestly.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
However long you can withstand it.