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Should i leave my love for the sake of my parents?

We love each other deeply..he brought be back from a depressive state after the trauma i was put into by my ex. ...but as now we think of parents are rejecting him on the basis of some misunderstanding and petty excuses....i cant live without parents nd my love...what should i do???
How long have you been with the guy and how old are you? Maybe you just need to slow things down and give this time. There isn't any reason to rush into marriage at this point in time. If it's meant to be, it will happen. In the meantime, it might give your parents time to soften toward the guy. Don't force a situation. Nothing good ever comes of it.
Stars · 26-30, F
@SW-User its been two years...and now im gonna go to another city for studies...we just needed an assurance frm our parents.
@Stars Go do your studies. At your age, that's more important than worrying about getting married at the moment. If the relationship is meant to last, it will.
Stars · 26-30, F
Yaa...i.agree to.that😊
LyricalOne · F
You just got out of an abusive relationship. You’re still young. Why the rush to marry? Why not see if the relationship stands the test of some time which might put some of your parents fears to rest?
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
@LyricalOne This is a good answer.
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
I don't know. That's something you'll have to decide. It seems to me the best case would be keeping both.

But I don't think people should get married until 26. You will go through many changes up to that point. Basically the difference between being a child and being a teen. Not quite that much, but it's the second biggest change in a person's life. You'll both be different people by then, and the person you marry won't be the person you're married to, by 26.
Oh boy, did I goof. I didn’t read your whole statement. I agree 100% with greenmountaingal. Your parents are older, wiser, and have more experience and insight than you. They have seen the red flags and are trying to save you the heartache down the line. This marriage is way too soon. I’d definitely stay with your parents. You only think you know this guy. He’s putting his best foot forward now, but who knows in the future.
purplepen · 51-55, F
I wouldn't give up a good man for the sake of family.
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
You are too young to make this kind of decision. It sounds like he got you on the rebound, as the saying goes. Give this time. Your parents could be right. One rule in life: If you are romantically involved with someone that either your closest friends or your family least 90% of the time, they turn out to be right. Another rule: Never rush into any major decision if you can help it. Time can bring much wisdom. If he is right for you, he will not rush you into anything for any reason. If he is worth it, eventually your parents will see that.
Stars · 26-30, F
@greenmountaingal im 22 and he isnt forcing me.into.anything...we are not getting married now...its just that we felt a connection and we told them.just because we didnt wanted to hide...and i know him inside out...his bads , his goods and everything...the best thing was that i nvr hd to searcg about for him...he himself told me.evrything...nd what does a girl who has been victim if unfaithfulness abd dishonesty requires more!!
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
@Stars I'm not worried about him forcing you into anything; you haven't told me is forcing you. I was worried that he might be rushing you, which is a very bad sign. I am glad that is not so. I am also glad to know you perceive him as honest and forthright, but time will tell if this is really as you see it. If he is a decent guy, and your parents are basically reasonable people, they will come around. Don't argue with them or try too hard to convince them he is OK. Just let them see how he behaves over time with you. If that doesn't seem to make them aware of who he is, consider paying a few dollars to a good detective agency to do a background check on him. Yes, at some point, if your relationship continues to flourish, you may have to choose between him and your parents, but you have some time before it comes to that. My guess is that if he is really honest and decent, they will eventually see it. For now, I'd wait it out.
Stars · 26-30, F
Okiee...thats something really convincing!!
TheGemini · 22-25, F
Honey *sips on a cinammon pumpkin chai latte* your parents love you and won't cut you out of their lives... Keep the man and they'll come around simply cause the realise he makes you happy
kush90 · 26-30, M
Hey, kisi ko reply nhi krne se problem salve nhi ho jaegi, if you come here, please talk with someone, may be they can help you or give you new way to live
Stars · 26-30, F
@kush90 I'm sorry, this was an old years before.....we broke up eventually because my parents didn't like him at all...
Eddiesolds · 61-69, M
Stay with parents tried the same shit.They won't disown you.Mine didnt.Its your life.not theirs.
JamesHunt · 31-35, M
If he loves you he will never ever leave you any circumstances
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
if he's truly a good man then follow the Bible's words and leave your parents to start a new family
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
Why would you want to?

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