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NewBeginings · 41-45, F
Indeed trolling is a Stress buster for oneself ,pushing the stress to others.
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NewBeginings · 41-45, F
We are a cumulation of a dozen images hidden beneath our smile.
Wolfram · M
Huge deal breaker
xDanix · 31-35, F
it would never get that far. I'm too investigative and suspicious by nature.
anyway in answer to your question, I'd ghost him. chances are if he's flinging with me he's flinging with someone else, no loss. Obsessions last as long as you want them to anyways
anyway in answer to your question, I'd ghost him. chances are if he's flinging with me he's flinging with someone else, no loss. Obsessions last as long as you want them to anyways
NewBeginings · 41-45, F
That's matured.Probably the best one you could do in this situation.

Go to the destination with a close friend/someone I enjoy being with.
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
I'd hope those tickets were refundable.
NewBeginings · 41-45, F
No refunds hoping.
You got to reschedule your!
You got to reschedule your!
LadyWioness · 56-60, F
No. Just, no!
Jeephikelove · 51-55, F
Wow such deceit! What a heartbreak! :-(
NewBeginings · 41-45, F
Would you blame yourself,him, his wife or the time?
Jeephikelove · 51-55, F
Him, he's the only one who REALLY knew the truth.

I already knew she was married. Boom.
NewBeginings · 41-45, F
What did you do next?
Jeephikelove · 51-55, F
See that's different if you know.
WarmAtNight · M
It probably happens quite often
NewBeginings · 41-45, F
How do you deal?

er. uh. confusion. then anger. then bitterness.
NewBeginings · 41-45, F
And then?
gurlwatcher22 · 61-69, M
That would be what I want.That way we both have just as much to lose.I hope that it would guarantee discretion.My current online crush is married and she knows I am too.We have been chatting for 2 years now.Crazy, right?

I wouldn't be surprised sadly, and then I'd just cut them off.
BemyValentine · F
UGH! don't get me started on that one! LMAO!
NewBeginings · 41-45, F
I want to know your story.Please share.
BemyValentine · F
Oh I just wrote a post just now about lies. That's says it all.
Hey I hope your feeling better with your tooth.
Hey I hope your feeling better with your tooth.
NewBeginings · 41-45, F
Thanks Bemy.Yes,I am a bit better now .Had to fix an appointment with the doc this weekend.I hope I am spared.
JarJarBoom · 41-45, F
Ugh, i broke all the rules to this one...but hey his wife ended up being a lesbian
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JarJarBoom · 41-45, F
If i went into my story 15 years ago, you would call me an idiot
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Squizz5 · 51-55, M
I would cut ties, too dishonest. Don't beat yourself up over it, some people just aren't good people.
NewBeginings · 41-45, F
When she got married ,she probably didn't have you.Its not really a sin.After marriage she discovered the perfect man in you.
Would you just cut ties like that?Or give her a second chance?
Would you just cut ties like that?Or give her a second chance?
Squizz5 · 51-55, M
Its the fact that she wasn't up front with me in the first place, what else will she lie about? Major red flag for me if she manipulated me that way.
Youknownothing · 31-35, M
dreithegreat · 22-25, M
Maybe beat that person to death? 😈 I'm evil. Do not test me.
NewBeginings · 41-45, F