Yes, and I had all my heart could take. I was broken and I couldn't take any more.
breeyaaa · 26-30, F
got a pair and realized i didn’t need him. he liked my long hair i cut it off. got with his bestfriend. got my own revenge i suppose
Sweet517 · 51-55, F
It took a long time before it really hit me between the eyes that it was, in fact, toxic. Everything was on his terms and I finally confronted him about one (of many) issues. He became so indignant and enraged that he ended it. It was the easiest breakup I have ever gone though.
Eddiesolds · 61-69, M
You just need to choose! Toxic?You don't need to be there anymore! I had to leave.Yeah I carried alot of guilt! I felt sorry for her.Fear? Oh yeah! It's gets better in time.All of it will pass!You gotta live!

Ahh his wife convinced me

I broke so low the only next step was dying...so I got up :(

She gave me a way out at the start, I took it
Danarama · 31-35, M
Yes, I was in love with a woman who dealt with hazardous waste and chemicals
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Alic3ack · 31-35, F
I had to grab a pair and do it. I actually went to hospital because of him. But there was a point where I couldnt do it anymore so I just walked away...he kept coming back but everytime he did I was reminded of the piece of shit he was (is). It may seem hard at first but it's not impossible. Now that I look back I can't believe I was with someone like him.

Honestly, I think everyone's breaking point is different. There just came a time where I was tired of being miserable and wasting my time. There was no telling when it would happen, it's too gradual to predict. I just decided that I'm both too young and too old for that shit.