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Aww my sister just drew a lovely picture of her spending time with her crush whom she knows she can never have 🤗

SW-User Best Comment
Thanks, Alex! 😁

@SW-User No problem, sis!
marsbar · F
@SW-User You’re so talented!

It's a beautiful drawing indeed!! 😍
@Vivaci I definitely will 😁
@SW-User Thank you! 🤗o
@Vivaci ❤️❤️❤️❤️
arthurca · M
She's a very good artist. 👍
@arthurca Lol earlier tonight when I walked in our study, I caught her drawing while listening to a love song. She looked so focused lol
arthurca · M
@SW-User Keep sharing her work, she's really good.
@arthurca Haha I will for as long as she keeps drawing
Spokeskitties75 · 46-50, M
I’d be a little paranoid about so many birds in the sky!

It is a nice drawing!!!
@Spokeskitties75 Lol Indeed 🤗 By the way, I didn’t notice the birds until you mentioned them. They really are many lol
Spokeskitties75 · 46-50, M
@SW-User yes... it’s a little overkill for the imaginary love story!! Haha! 😏
@Spokeskitties75 Lol! You’re too creative 😏
mathsman · 70-79, M
She could seduce him if she really wants him.
mathsman · 70-79, M
It doesn't have to turn out the way you tell it.
Serenitree · F
[@you're right. It doesn't. So how do you see it turning out for a married teacher (hers, by the way) having a fling with a child over whom he has authority? Do you see an innocent, summer romance with neither party suffering any consequences? No emotional whiplash?
mathsman · 70-79, M
Dusty101 · F
So beautiful and dreamy!!
@Dusty101 Haha I will 😊

Maybe he went after an olive rather than her so she said he was “olive head”? 🤔😆
Dusty101 · F
@SW-User I just asked her... she said his head is huge... but the shape of an olive!!! She's moved onto Bassy now!!! He's a skateboarder like her!!!
@Dusty101 LOL She’s so funny 😆

Bassy is cute by the way. I’m glad she’s got her attention on a better guy lol
whos her crush O;

and its a pretty art ♡
@Dewms Her crush is our SAT teacher and he’s from Canada. He already has a wife and family of his own. 😕
😔 I was hoping he would be available @SW-User
5thApprentice · 31-35, M
Damn, that's some hard crushing lol.
@5thApprentice 😂 You have no idea
aloysia · 36-40, F
she's talented
@aloysia She really is
Serenitree · F
Have you not shared this with us before? Or has your sister drawn a few of these?
@Serenitree She’s drawn another one 😁 I like promoting her art because I really like it and want to share it with you guys as well
Serenitree · F
@SW-User Ya gotta admit, I have a good memory. She really is good. She portrays emotion, movement, and even the ambient temperature, in a very simple, but talented way.

At first glance, it's a childlike drawing, but a closer look shows how well, it is done, with the layering and shading, and with all movement (ie, the wind) going in the same direction. A talented girl. How old is she?
@Serenitree She’s 16 😄 I agree with your perspective on the drawing. It’s so simple yet so profound 😊
That is amazing!! Why can’t she have him? If he saw this he’d be so flattered. How old is she?
@MissMollyCharlotte0702 She’s 16 and he’s way too old for her :/ She would be willing to wait for him but he wouldn’t. At least she confessed her love to him and he thought it was sweet 😊
That is such a sad story, but an amazing drawing.
@SW-User She’s a hopeless romantic 🤗
Elegy · 46-50
That's really pretty, Anna has a great eye.
@Elegy She does, and she draws from the heart. Say, if you give her an inspiration, she’ll instantly think of dozens of ideas and not hesitate to spend the whole day solely on drawing.
@SW-User beautifully tragic.
Or tragically beautiful?
@SW-User Beautifully
what a pure hearted drawing
@SW-User Glad you see it that way 🤗
Heartlander · 80-89, M
Nice picture. Thanks for sharing.
@Heartlander You’re welcome 🤗
@SW-User It is and so is she. She stayed up till 3 am in the morning just to finish the drawing.
marsbar · F
Ohhh I love this too! 😃😊

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