mindstruggle · 31-35, F
When you’re more in love with the memories than the person in front of you. When you look into their eyes and you don’t recognize them anymore.
When it’s not worth the fight.
When it’s not worth the fight.
RandomUniverse · M
Long after you should have.

When you experience suffering more than you experience love.
FormerPadresfan · 26-30, M
Maybe when either you fight every day and there is nothing you can do to end it for future...
OR... when you first cheat...because when you cheat, it’s a sign that you are ready to move on.
OR... when you first cheat...because when you cheat, it’s a sign that you are ready to move on.
OdysseyArising · 46-50, F
@FormerPadresfan That’s so true
FormerPadresfan · 26-30, M
@OdysseyArising The Bible states that if you cheat on a woman, you best end it right there.

As soon as the other party starts talking about it being a "relationship".

When there is nothing left to give except your love and that's not enough for them.
swl2jo · 56-60, M
in my life i've been the one getting dumped much more than the one ending it. i'm clearly not as good at recognizing its over.

When nothing you or your partner does seems to help the situation.
dondon · M
When she uses snapchat filters
OdysseyArising · 46-50, F
@dondon lmao
proteus · 56-60, M
When you don't miss her/him
wintersecret · 41-45, M
When bedroom gets more colder than hotter in night ;)
Mysteriousliaisons · 56-60, M
When the orgasms stop 🤔
JK7452 · 31-35, F
When you learn that your partner desperately wants other s*** from you