Miram · 31-35, F
"are we worth having children?" Is the proper question.

@Miram 👆👆👆👆 This!
FunBobby · 46-50, M
Oh god. Such a tough question. The answer is .... it depends. First and foremost, it depends on whether someone wants kids in the first place. If they definity want kids, they are so worth it. If someone doesn't want kids... well, I doubt they'd find it worth it. This is obvious I suppose. The tough part is when someone is on the fence about kids. As a dad, I can tell you that there is no substitute for having kids. You just have to experience it to know what it's about. Unfortunately though, you can't just try parenthood on for size. Plus, once you have a kid, you're committed. ...and babysitting isn't quite the same. Soooo... for those that are on the fence, it's a tricky question indeed. So tricky. I was on the fence and I took the plunge. I'm glad I did. It was worth it... for me. Everyone's story is different though. So ...like I said... it depends.
ToyMan · 56-60, M
For me the answer is yes. They've grown into wonderful people whom I'm happy to be around and proud to call mine.
But, they come with costs. Obviously the $$ angle as daycare and such is expensive when they are young. Then there is the sacrifice of your time from doing what you want to care for them. If you're willing to commit to that they can be very special. But it's a big commitment you need to be willing to embrace.
But, they come with costs. Obviously the $$ angle as daycare and such is expensive when they are young. Then there is the sacrifice of your time from doing what you want to care for them. If you're willing to commit to that they can be very special. But it's a big commitment you need to be willing to embrace.
iQuit · F
🤔 everything in life has a price
sometimes babies seem more important to some than others
but at the end of the day
as time continues children will grow on to seeing the seed their parents sowed in them.
and for there to be continuity in human existence there must be reproduction of some or else with less genetic availability who knows what might be of society
sometimes babies seem more important to some than others
but at the end of the day
as time continues children will grow on to seeing the seed their parents sowed in them.
and for there to be continuity in human existence there must be reproduction of some or else with less genetic availability who knows what might be of society

Depends on how you like to live your life. If you want the freedom to do whatever you want whenever you want, definitely not.
@SW-User omf youre so beautiful :) i like the new pfp <3

@TryingtoLava aw thanks lava ❤️ you’re such a doll.
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Angeleyez · 51-55, F
Yes! Definitely!
Biffed · 31-35, M
depends on the person
I dont want any