Thodsis · 51-55, M
Yes please. What are the options?
I'd like one that has all the best features...
I'd like one that has all the best features...
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Classy · 22-25, F
Weird but ok.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
I don't care about having my own child and don't notice babies in general but when I see an Asian baby my heart melts. They are so cute! They have eyes like a baby lion. ❤
silentkev · 36-40, M
yes i agree.. and you keep fighting that temptation to steal a baby lol
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@silentkev lol, I just need to fight my temptation to stare at them. That's weird enough. xD
silentkev · 36-40, M
@CrazyMusicLover better start thinking about having someone can have ideas of stealing
GreenGoddess · F
Half Asian half white are the cutest!
silentkev · 36-40, M
Yes asian-white are cuute..but im melanined
Goralski · 56-60, M
I take it child support is out of d question

I won't mind
silentkev · 36-40, M
@SW-User i guess its a plan then..time to make dreams come true😊

@silentkev it sure is
AlmostAnAngel · 100+, F

I'm mixed. I think any baby I had would count as interracial. 🤔
silentkev · 36-40, M
@SW-User Lol yes..your baby automatically is interaccial even before conception

This is the most racist thing I’ve ever read 🙄.
silentkev · 36-40, M
@SW-User not really you must have misintepreted what i mean...maybe mixed up perception
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
dear... many of us are interracial...
where the hell have you all been?
do the research!
if you're in the states and a native for the last 220 - 150 yrs.. you're a mestizo!
what more do you want?
and no, interracials come in all colors.. sorry!
learn about genetics and then get all heart broken when your brat comes out white!
where the hell have you all been?
do the research!
if you're in the states and a native for the last 220 - 150 yrs.. you're a mestizo!
what more do you want?
and no, interracials come in all colors.. sorry!
learn about genetics and then get all heart broken when your brat comes out white!
silentkev · 36-40, M
lol i will give up..but atl east i will say i tried

Do you realise how selfish and fucked up your “fantasy” is?
silentkev · 36-40, M
i dont see anything selfish here, perspectives are always different. Explain to me your perspective of it

You want a child just for it’s skin colour ie. your fantasy
silentkev · 36-40, M
not really, thats not condition for loving my children, i love unconditionally.. Quick question..would you find it offensive if you heard someone tell their child eat well so you can grow strong or tall. I want you to grow tall.. would you say he/she is abusive o discriminative..sorry though if you had the wrong perspective of it